I am of the belief that it’s not so much that black audiences don’t want white artists exploring a black sound: the issue is that white artists can be bad while employing black style and still be successful.
I am of the belief that it’s not so much that black audiences don’t want white artists exploring a black sound: the issue is that white artists can be bad while employing black style and still be successful.
“Can you expand”
For something white, low, and distasteful, Donald Trump would be lucky to get the same sort of cross-cultural approval.
Shit, Giri’s mom knows whats up.
The White Walkers
You been enjoying the Stanley Cup Playoffs this year?
Came to the comments for those sweet inferiority complex fueled self righteous Canadian comebacks. Was not dissapointed
You aren’t eating them alive, are you? The only good goose is a dead goose.
America....fuck yeah!
Several judges thought there was enough evidence to remove all custody and to publicly state that he was a danger to his children.
She was too fragile when she was 7, not now.
It’s rare to see an individual walk into a public arena with a dotted line across their neck and scream, “Cut here!”
You don’t have to get it, because it is not about you. Where’s your empathy for the innocent victims here?
If this is cathartic, then I do have some questions, because there is literally no one else willing to listen to me talk about it not on the internet at this point.
Please don’t speak for EVER.
Even on the basis of what he’s admitted, looked at in its best possible light, he began a relationship with his girlfriend’s young adult daughter who he’d known since she was a child while he was still dating his girlfriend. By regular people standards, that is more than enough to view someone as creepy and having…
Oh shut up and crawl back into your hole.
Wait, what? People can only be molestors if they have a reputation for molestation??? He didn't hurt her because he doesn't have a pile of victims willing to call him out?
I do not think that word means what you think it means: “
It shouldn’t have to get to Cosby levels before we can call someone out on their bullshit. My point is that one is already too many. I respect that people who are pedophiles are mentally ill and they need treatment and it should be easier for them to admit that and get help before they harm anyone without fear of…