
You’re not so noble now are you helium? In fact, you’re a bit salty.

They should have named it Grounddog Day.

there are races involving bells? Like to see which cow is fastest?

I have been dreaming of a feminist hacker collective for ages. Like Deep Lab:

People who live in Glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Now playing

I know this theme has been tackled in art quite a bit but I’m really looking forward to this showing up on Netflix.

He was so extra. Even my dog was like, “Am I watching ‘The Notebook?’ What the hell is this shit?’” Labradors are so fiesty!

DDOS is the weapon of script-kiddie edgelords.

Yeah I agree. I always thought it was a very odd choice for a not Native American character. Personally I have, and really enjoy her Mechaqueen skin. I think it’s the coolest one and while it is a nod to Japanese culture it does not appropriate said culture in a negative/awkward way.

It’s such a weird choice for that character. And with the war paint and the feathers and that helmet that sure does look a lot like a war bonnet... Even on a Native character it would be inappropriate. And for those who are saying that they should keep it because it looks cool: it’s possible for something to be

I was thinking that I really like her dress. (we apparently are NOT intellectuals, on level with these two stunning minds.)

Natalie Portman and Jonathan Safran Foer are insufferable, narcissistic semi-intellectuals?

I love and respect this woman so hard it hurts.

It can be pretty bad, I once killed a group of 4 with a well placed tracer bomb and lost to a double kill from a road hog. But the funniest greatest thing happened last night.

I feel bad whenever I get PotG with Bastion, and especially with Torjborn. I know nothing I was doing was particularly fancy, and I’m sure I totally stole it from someone who played way better. But whatevs, broken system.

One word. “I will break you”.

You know I’m torn on this! As a woman and person of color it’s great for ME. I mean how nice will it be to just be handed a high paying writers gig without doing any work at all or having any talent, you know? I could call up a few late night shows and have a job tomorrow, no resume or writing samples required!