
Oh snap I just finished reading The Handmaid’s Tale two days ago, I didn’t even know they were filming a series. It was... disturbing. And amazing! But it made me very uneasy about this crazy world we’re living in (and it gave me a lot to think about the crazy world Atwood was living in when writing this). I can’t

oh god I read it that way too. I was getting the tissues ready. 😭

I play on PS4 and this is pretty much standard in a skirmish - everybody doing emotes and voice lines while trying to jump on other people’s heads or just sitting around saying hello

The illustration for this is 👌 💯

I don’t lie (I have chronic illnesses so I learned pretty early that it gets me nowhere) but given the judgement I’ve gotten from healthcare professionals by being honest I could see why someone wouldn’t want to share some things. I’m not saying it’s a good idea, but I can understand.

I was obsessed with this show. My S1 and 2 DVD sets are in tatters from watching it all the time... I think that audiences showed they can handle long, slow burn type of stories like Carnivale had.

Heh. I have giant calves too, so I might be taking out my frustrations on your post. is pretty great for this particular problem. I just can’t stand having fabric from pants flapping between my legs (Hm. Phrasing?) so I favour straight leg/skinny-ish pants.

Oh please, the fashion inclined sites have been trying to bring back flares as ‘the new boyfriend jeans!’ or ‘the new skinny jeans’ for like the last 6 years.

Huh! I have ADD and I do this. Less so now that I’m an adult and medicated but my notebooks from my teen years look like they were written by several different whiny people.

It’s such a weird choice for that character. And with the war paint and the feathers and that helmet that sure does look a lot like a war bonnet... Even on a Native character it would be inappropriate. And for those who are saying that they should keep it because it looks cool: it’s possible for something to be

I hate this and you and everything

Oooh! I enjoy both of these things very much. A + references, all the stars.

This morning I put on a shirt I got on sale at urban outfitters in 2009 and a pair of black yoga jeans (only pair of pants I wear). I scraped the dried food off of them while I was in the waiting room at the clinic before work.

Question for ladies with migraines. I was told that using hormonal BC was out of the question for me because I had hormonal migraines from age 10 to 20 and that I was at a higher risk for a stroke. I tried the pill anyway (Alesse) and it gave me terrible headaches (not migraines but close enough to scare me a little)

I have never ever ever heard of no topsheet being a thing and I’m so confused. How do you even get sheet sets without a topsheet? Is that a thing? 100% team topsheet OF COURSE because I am not an animal.

I knew this. You clearly were not subjected to late night office sing/yell-alongs from your drunken coworkers.

I think it’s hilariously apropos.

Would also read!

Just cleaned my apartment today. I hate cleaning until I start and get really into it but I’m still not crazy about excessive scrubing. Thinking about getting a steam cleaner to help with that.