* 11" macbook air
* 11" macbook air
If I seem out of it this morning, it's because I had a CRAZY realistic dream about me andRon Livingston falling in love with each other and now everything seems boring and horrible.
Frenche ou Meurs! That takes me back.
No way, I did that too AND ALSO REGRET IT. High five?
I went from a 38C to a 36F to a 32F (- about 30lbs in between the last two). Between ebay and bratabase I haven't had much trouble finding cheap bras; the only thing giving me a headache is the size conversions/differences by country (UK/US/France) and brand.
My linen spray recipe is pretty much this (if I bothered to write it down):
Let's not forget beet poops - I freak out EVERY TIME. "AHHH IT'S BLOOD" and then I remember I ate beets for dinner.
I've actually been considering (scheming) a culinary experiment consisting of using grilling cheese (halloumi) instead of bread in a grilled-cheese. I would probably die and I don't even care. At this stage I still feel like an evil food genius.
Whatever, you guys. I've been eating mostly paleo and I'm having a great time. I don't have any real or pseudo science facts to mention other than 1. it's tasty. 2. I've lost weight (on purpose) 3. I would rather eat a gajillion cups of vegetables than a slice of bread.
You like that, try going through the Solestruck online catalogue, it's hilarious.
Ahhhhh the makings of the best movie marathon ever!
Montrealer here - I wear fleece lined tights under jeans and that does it most days. I walk about 1.5 hrs a day and I've been mostly fine (except for a few -30 treks where I had no business being outside). I AM thinking about getting something to put OVER my jeans, like windbreaker snowpants things? like this :…
FORMERLY constipated.
Do it yourself! Power of the internet : http://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/rh26h/is_getting_fitted_for_a_bra_as_humiliating_as_it/c469bi0
No, you're not. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/11/carrie-bradshaw-sex-and-the-city_n_860530.html
And if it's gonna be ONE thing it should definitely be something that's going near your privates.
Hells to the yes. I used to wear a 38C, got resized and now I'm wearing a 36F (and with losing weight/fat redistribution and whatnot I could probably go to a 34FF now/soonish) AND IT IS AWESOME. Yes it costs more and I'm lucky I have a few stores I can try on bras at in my city, but it's actually made my life better.…
Oh that hussy cherry tree!