Theon? Really? Well okay then. ( I put the blame entirely on GRRM for ruining a perfectly good name.)
Theon? Really? Well okay then. ( I put the blame entirely on GRRM for ruining a perfectly good name.)
You get me.
That would totally work on me - if he was going for 'girls' night in' and by 'sleep with me' he meant like, literally, sleep in our PJs after giving each other pedicures.
We can share the #1 spot because YES I DID THIS TOO.
Oh man, welcome to psychology of education 101. They teach future teachers this, it makes me so sad that it gets lost along the way.
1. Oh man my crush on him has tripled.
YOU HAD A WINE PROFESSOR. I would sign up for that class so quickly, registration wouldn't even be open by the time I was done.
The same happened to me and Mr. Bos! P in V is difficult for a variety of reason, but everything else is still awesome and sexy and we're both really happy after three years.
I get so bummed about perfumes... I'm 23 (tomorrow!) and I still can't find anything that's ME. I have a perfume oil from [] called Decadence and Debauchery and it smells like I want to smell, woodsy tobacco-y with a hint of vanilla as the day wears on and it makes me feel like a sultry madam/wood nymph…
Martha Stewart is SEVENTY YEARS OLD?
I do the bed-head-ethereal-witch-secret-goth-y thing and I'm gonna keep doing it because EFF YOUUU THAT'S WHY.
Are you using a bad experience to dismiss a practice that went on for hundreds of years, despite data to prove that modern misconceptions about it stemmed from fetish material which might have been the cause of that bad experience? Cause that's what it sounds like.
Oh, I rock the sales section.
Hey, Urban Outfitters! Maybe you'd be doing better if you didn't try to sell people polyester tank dresses for 80$ a pop. Just a thought.
Noooooo lalalalalalalalala I can't hear youuuu shut uppppp...
YES. OMG. Ladies, if you're in Canada, they sell them at Shoppers for 17$ a pair.
" Ability to not be dumbstruck in the presence of close friend Tilda required."
Dame Judi Dench, please live forever.
Ha! My boyfriend gets this haircut from a salon called Lesbian Haircuts For Anyone.