Yes, it would have made perfect sense. I’m disappointed in you for not fully committing to this, Bobby.
Yes, it would have made perfect sense. I’m disappointed in you for not fully committing to this, Bobby.
I will not disregard this metaphor for it is both deranged and surprisingly accurate.
I agree with this statement. If your gun has a safety, you know what the fuck it is for.
The part of the story that matters is that a child is dead by violence and her siblings witnessed it. Victims matter more than perpetrators, especially when they were powerless to change the outcome. Her name is Tahirah; his name should be forgotten.
Someone on FB was like “what the fuck? Now either Netflix or birch box has to go”. Over $2? I understand budgeting, but she lives at home with her parents. If you can’t scrounge an extra $2, then you can't afford it in the first place.
Yea this was totally sneaky. Except they emailed me TWO YEARS AGO to tell me that while the price was going up for new customers, mine would be grandfathered in for 2 years. Did I remember it’d be happening this month? No. Am I pissed? No. Because unlike some articles are claiming, the bulk of customers who read their…
Jessica Jones was seriously a game changer in the super hero TV (and film) world. I love super hero shows and movies, but Jessica Jones is a hero that is extremely exceptional. That series felt like something incredibly cathartic for pretty much all women, but especially those who have been a survivor of abusive…
People say that rape accusations are treated more favorably than other crimes, but I’m more concerned about car theft reports. Like, if someone says I stole their car, the police just assume that because I have their car, I must have stolen it, even with zero evidence! Does anyone ever consider that maybe these people…
Not necessary! He just doesn’t think it’s “honest” or “accurate” because he can’t fathom that sexual assualt and rape are so common. I mean, it’s unbelievable, right? I’m so glad this is a man that victims of sexual assault or rape might go to for help and justice! Surely, he will treat them all with dignity and…
There would be no better ending to Charlie Sheen’s story than for him to go to jail for a long, long time.
I’m beginning to have suspicions that charlie sheen is a bit of an asshole.
And you can guarantee they’ll now require all doctors to have admitting privileges (if it’s not already a law), because of the danger of anesthesia.
because knocking people unconscious for no reason is dangerous
I wonder if we’ll ever see a ‘stand your ground’ defense if charges are ever brought against a woman for terminating a pregnancy (or god forbid, for having a miscarriage).
Amen. As a non-uterus haver, I’ve been pro-choice, but watching my wife go through pregnancy with twins and then with another, there is no way to justify forcing someone to go through that process against their will.
Some Aussies are racist shitbags who judge entire cultures by a few examples of scumhood, sure.
that’s some old school dick pic-age.
Analog dick pics! OMG
I have heard the whole tape. She thought it was adorable and went on about trying to flush hypothetical reincarnated Charles and it not working and him just going “round and round.” I guess they’re a good match.