My interactions with her were limited to when we worked together and she was a district attorney.
My interactions with her were limited to when we worked together and she was a district attorney.
“We are eating pizza and drinking Cokes, and whoever was throwing bottles is not there, hasn’t been there for like six hours,”
My uncle wasn’t even phased by it. His reaction was basically simple annoyance that he’d been pulled away from his important cases over some dumb trees and a few hacked up deer. If I’d been there, I would have burst into tears and pooped myself simultaneously.
Nor would I, but damn, it’s kind of gorgeous. Also, I love any shirt with that neckline because, well, my boobs are kind of excellent but also on the generous side, and I feel like that shape of neckline, sheer lace catsuit or otherwise, is really flattering on me.
Not ashamed to admit me too. Tho I would not look like that in it. Fuck it.
I don’t have the $$$ for this, but I kind of really want it.
This is political theatre I can get behind.
I love this man. Let’s hope it means Bernie will be our Prez this time next year.
Ah Republicans. When they actually appoint a woman for something they scour the earth to find the most evil, misogynistic ones possible.
She wasn’t really denying the fact that the woman suffers from anxiety, more taking glee in the fact that she’s willingly choosing to subject the woman to an experience (jail time) that she knows is going to make the problem much, much worse. Which is, itself, much, much worse.
Thanks, Jeb Bush.
Domestic violence charges should be brought by the state so that a woman like this one doesn’t have to be put in the position of pressing charges or not pressing charges.
Hey! If you don’t have any training in mental health issues, let’s not pretend to be an expert on mental health issues, mmkay, Judge?
I saw this on the news the other day. The judge took the contempt part to heart. She was dripping icy scorn. The quality of mercy was completely absent. And the woman’s pleas as she was escorted out were heart wrenching. I know it’s important to press charges. But there is no way that this woman wasn’t re-victimized.
Yeah Kara - I’ve had that too! So much for men saying they really wish women would be more direct, eh?
Your wife would have married ANYONE who interrupted her because she was that desperate for attention and couldn’t think of any better way to get it...
I mean, I guess I understand if you want to say something, but when I respond with a one-word answer and don’t bother looking up, you’d think the hint would be taken. Apparently not.
I was really hoping someone would be so self-involved as to turn a larger issue into an anecdote about a unique personal experience that does nothing to change any of the points made in the post. Thanks!
The gall that it must take to interrupt someone who is quite obviously working because you want to flirt with them is rather incredible.
I often go to my favorite little wine bar to do some writing on the fic I’m working on. Much as I love the confines of my bed and mechanical keyboard, occasionally I just need some outside inspiration and change of scenery. You would be shocked (or maybe not, really) at the number of guys who think I want to discuss…