Move over 7th grade science fair "participation award!"
Wonder if that is gov't property. If it is, regardless of whether its a typo or satire, it's illegal.
Hold your heads high, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Kelly Ayote, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, and Lisa Murkowski.
Haha. Thanks. I think it's responsible for 90% of my hearts. Also, if you really want to nomincate for COTD, the link to the post has to be posted at [].
You are! However, apparently if you want to actually nominated for COTD, the link to the post has to be posted at [].
Thank you kindly. However, apparently if you want to actually nominated for COTD, the link to the post has to be posted at [].
Walker 1912!!!
I just sent it to the AFL-CIO
In honor of Election Day in Wisconsin, I bring you "Recall Me Maybe"
I imagine that Madonna herself is no stranger to strategic and precise incisions on her own face.
I love that she stood up for herself, but I really wish Nicki Minaj would eat a bag of talent.
How long must I wait for someone to splice together a remix of Scott Walker singing, "Recall Me Maybe!?!??!?!?!?!!?"
Way to ruin the first five minutes of 28 Tweens Later.
You all are treating the disease instead of looking for a cure. Why are we even allowing active duty women to get pregnant in the first place? I mean, talk about unprofessional!
No. Absolutely not.
My mom didn't understand it. I (a dude) was damn sure not going to explain it to her.
I contemplated writing a response about how as a Jew (with a name as absurd and possibly offensive as Labia Menorah) how abhorrent this story is but I worried no one would get my sarcasm.
Make no mistake. Damn near every church makes quite literal endorsements from the pulpit. Both sides ignore it because it's not a fight worth fighting for either side.