Are you out of your mind? Tax-exempt status being in jeopardy for political speech is the biggest joke since x-ray glasses. Come down to the South Side of Chicago or the Bible Belt and just try to find a church that doesn't campaign from the pulpit.
Are you out of your mind? Tax-exempt status being in jeopardy for political speech is the biggest joke since x-ray glasses. Come down to the South Side of Chicago or the Bible Belt and just try to find a church that doesn't campaign from the pulpit.
I'll ask them in church this Sunday.
"Yeah, I mean, fuck her work at the VA. Am I right? Helping other veterans...what a twat."
PLEASE. Will some get the Westboro Baptist Church on tape endorsing Mittens and then watch as he dances around, explaining why he isn't denouncing their support?!?!!?
Although 44 years old, Tammy Duckworth deserved to make this list.
My fists are most definitely not pumping, brah.
lol!!!! #COTD.
I'm so torn. Never seen an animal that I wanted to both pet and eat.
Oh, no question. Duck had some decent traits to him when sober.
The problem is, as was written about in the NY Times this week, moderate voters don't view Obama has the bloodsucking super villain that the base does. They may not like what he has done, but are far from convinced that he's a terrorist. And, in fact, these vicious attacks on his character backfire.
I love when corporations act like (decent) people.
I would like to add that I am a serious Obama support and donor. That message wouldn't affect me, but is definitely viable for a large swath of the electorate.
Anyone want to get in on the over/under percentage increase of STD rates after men and women no longer need condoms to help prevent pregnancy?
The funny thing to me is they are so close to an effective message here but just screw the pooch on execution. A better message would be, "we all like him, he's a good man, but he's just not cut out for this job, isn't right to fix our nation, and Romney is better suited." This blank check business is DOA.
Uhhhh, excuse me, but when I bought that Kony 2012 wrist band set, I was lead to believe I'd like fixed Africa.
Yeah, but they got 8 gajillion clicks so...sorry, Jews (and everyone else with a conscience)!
"This lady's Star of David left an indentation on her skin that looks like some kind of horrible concentration camp scar. Who would've thought that wearing a symbol of one's religion at the top of one's butt crack would be a bad idea?"