
Ah, the burden of all cat politicians: the Cage of Damocles.

“They have their paw. We accept paw prints. Legal documents can be executed with a paw print.”

She has a little tiara too.


My guess is he wants off the registry so he can change his name and live in anonymity.


“Having said all that stuff about safe places and the libs being sanctimonious, sensitive, supercilious snowflakes, I’m going to keep gutting Civil Rights so you won’t have go to school with colored people and my friend Betsey DeVos is working on getting all of that “Civil War was about slavery” nonsense pulled from

These dumbasses decry safe spaces then whine about not being able to dine at a fancy restaurant without being accosted for their utter inhumanity, all without even the slightest hint of irony.

Meanwhile, the White House has a tantrum any time someone kneels or isn’t nice to their shitty mouthpiece SHS. 

Notice how McCain and other concern trolls in the media will focus almost entirely on the label and not the substance. When substance is brought up, they will deflect as quickly as possible to the label, and to Venezuela, and to anything other than the actual policies and ideas being proposed.

How old was Joe Biden when he was elected to national office? 31. What a difference three years makes when you’re a man.

No, not actually. The roughly shitty definitions of “generations” (bullshit made up marketing term) are 1946-1963... or 1964... or 1965 are Baby Boomers. It depends on whether or not you count the start of the decline in birth rates or when they dip below the 1945 birth rate. Gen X is thereby 1963 (4/5) to 1982/3.

I don’t include Warren in with Hillary and Diane. She is old, yes, but she is outspoken about the need for reform and doesn’t waffle around in the ‘center.’

so much this.

Raise your hand if you’re a lib who’s ever been owned by a conservative.

Discussing how intellectually important, or not, sports journalism or any form journalism remains a pointless exercise in snobbery about little more than one person proving how much smarter they are (or think they are) than another— as if there were journalism purity tests. But you can say, definitively, that there

These little gifting stories pop up every now and then. Little token gestures that shrink the plight of millions down to a single person who was rewarded for their struggle. The comfortable narrative that shows the systems must work because the rare exceptions make the news. All the rest safe from view for another few

It’s also telling that Ivanka is more touched by the idea of a CEO sacrificing his car than she is by the fact that this dude WALKED 20 MILES ON HIS FIRST DAY OF WORK!

This is an insult to Britney. Even shaved head and attacking cars she looked better than Ivanka ever will. 😤

Wait - Trigg is an actual name that people use? And here I was, thinking it was just a collection of letters that bounced around Sarah Palin’s head before it fell out of her dumbhole.