
How many times is Twitter, Facebook, and the tech sector writ large going to give a barely-under-the-table thumbs up to racists, fascists, holocaust deniers, and anti-Semites before we just start openly acknowledging the constant, predictable pattern?

I *love* how those who constantly “go low” are the first ones to

Motherfucker fundamentalist cunt.

A guy making a kid is the least possible effort at that.

Prolly easier to be a great father when your kids are not in toddler concentration camp.

They’re smiling and laughing. He must be raising a family of fucking him.

Oh I honestly believe he loves his family.

As axioms go, I believe this is just about as good as it gets:

I care as much about him and his family as he cares about mine, or yours too for that matter.

Paul Ryan loves Paul Ryan. Nothing else.

Considering that pretty much all other former players that have CTE aren’t targeting and raping elderly women I don’t think that is the cause of him being a piece of shit

The hubris to be dancing for the camera with malpractice lawsuits under her belt is shocking to say the least. Even if malpractice lawsuits are common that doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. Also, cameras have no place in a operating room without a patients consent at all. I have the same opinion on this as I do on

I like Claire Danes. It’s Dermot Mulroney’s character I don’t like. I’ve always thought he was the real ass in the movie.

I watch that dang movie and bawl my eyes out every year. I have to say that it is truly one of my top Christmas movies. It’s got an amazing cast. SJP was perfect in that role.

I remember talking about this in philoosphy of psychology class my senior year in college. There were the women who were championing the whole Electra BS, along with the most of guys save one of my best friends in ROTC and a (conservative!!!!) contrarian dude.

you’re surrounded by saucy young jezebels who are going to destroy your reputation the first chance they get

Every religion and church is a pyramid scheme designed to take people’s money from them.

“...according to Joy, “At a certain point you’re almost putting a bandaid on a bullet wound. And that wound is the theology; that wound is the ideology.””

As someone who grew up in southern Evangelical Christianity, I don’t know how you solve this problem without breaking the foundation of the church. People do recognize that it’s a problem, but the solutions that are always proposed are even more of what created the situation in the first place. More focus on female

how many times are we going to do this dance?

How much of this assholes day, as a percentage, do y’all figure is spent flexing in a mirror?