
Haha! I grew up in the Northeast so I don’t know what my problem is...I’ll just claim ignorance because my family are immigrants and we didn’t really eat packaged food like that growing up. And I almost never do now, so I guess I never go down those aisles in the store to see them. They don’t look that delicious,

Ohhh! See, I just assumed they were referring to Drake’s coffee cakes (from Seinfeld fame), as I’ve never heard of these pies before. I didn’t know they made other stuff. 

Wow to the “#justiceforlori” tag. As if it’s an injustice for a someone like her to actually face justice. It’s not like she was wronged in any way whatsoever or unfairly targeted, here. She broke the law and now the chickens are coming home to roost. It’s fine if you want to forgive her, but at least recognize that

That really was amazing.

that sentence construction is also very painful. my god

Yup. Especially to someone who is a recovering anorexic. Like, one, please don´t talk to me about diets at all, period. And, two, I don´t need to hear about the “science” behind putting your body into starvation mode, I’m pretty fucking good at it already and it’s not *good* for you. Like, take all my advice and tips

groupon’s response 😂

Okay, my other question is how old Thompson? Isn’t Jordan Woods the same age as Kylie? I am basically the same age as Khloe (33) and there is no way in hell I’d ever consider going after someone aged ~21 because, even though I look young for my age, when you see someone actually in their early 20s they look like

Eh, evangelicals don’t believe Catholics are real Christians or “saved” so them not liking the Pope is nothing new. 

Lol, didn’t Trump also literally say, “look at my African American over here” at a campaign event? Unbelievable. I swear they probably think they just need to have one token Black slot-filler in each case, and it doesn’t matter who it is as long as they smile and nod along. 


Your fingers and toes are also called “digits.” 

Lol, he wants to be a chef? He’s in for a rude awakening when he learns the makeup of most kitchens. His little racist ass is going to have a hard time.

Hopefully not that shitty!

It’s the reason I told my husband that if we get pregnant with twins, I’m getting an abortion. You know one of them would be coming out evil. Can’t chance it. 

Maybe point him to some Sam Seder Majority Report? 

I grew up with a very complicated religious background and had the misfortune of being the victim of both physical and sexual abuse starting from a very young age. I truly believe that a huge percentage of my ongoing fucked-upedness is due in large part to all of this religious bullshit that this school teaches girls

holy shit, yes! I would have sworn she was in her mid-50s.

I’ll bite. I’m in my mid-30s and I follow a few “influencers” because I like their style and looking at their accounts is inspiring to me. I don’t follow people that shill stuff like detox teas, but rather people that legitimately have cool, interesting style and an interesting point of view. To name a few accounts:

That shit is NOT perfectly straight*. Looks like a goddamned streaky marker was used to color in his head.