
I’m so sorry. I hope you and your friend stay safe

Totally understand. I hope things continue to get better and easier for you. 

I am sorry that you are struggling. Do you have anyone that is supportive or at least tries to be? 

Fucking disgusting.

Exactly. But even worse was that she didn’t even know him or interact with him at all before. She didn’t know who he was. He came into her room multiple times and unhooked the nurses’ emergency call button and groped her the first time. Then he came back in and raped her and she was trying to press the call button but

Ugh! I forgot about that one. 

I’m not an expert at all and I can only speak for myself and my own experiences.

Exactly. It´s incredibly clear, especially when you hear their disdain for all of the women (and I’m not even really talking about celebrities, but all of the millions of normal, everyday women who spoke up and shared their own metoo stories on social media) who spoke up about their own sexual assault and harassment

I feel like we honestly need to do that, anyway. And not just for fucks like this dipshit. Even for all of the otherwise progressive men out there who are pro-choice and disagree with overturning Roe v. Wade, but are not vocal about it and don´t see it as a priority. Like, either start showing up and speaking out with

this was very good. For someone who has been to a number of different treatment centers and levels of treatment (last inpatient was last year) and is still struggling, I find these types of topics really interesting, not just because people who mean well consistently suggest facilities that this or that person went to

lol! Oh no! What´s wrong with Riverdance? Isn´t it just dancing?


No, no, no. These are the “fiscal conservatives” that we need managing our budget and tax policy. Wouldn’t want to engage in “wasteful spending” like providing healthcare or feeding people. No, we need someone who knows that “Hawaii shorts” are a priority investment. 

oh my god.

I mean...I have never seen Riverdance and def would if given the opportunity 😳

“the lil corns are lawless”

Cowards on a fucking sadistic power trip. 

Wow, sounds great! I hope she really enjoys all of her new endeavors and best of luck to her in the future. 

also, this may be totally creepy, and so by no means feel obligated to respond or answer, but where does your daughter work now? I only ask bc the aerospace engineering community is really not that big and my husband works at MIT, most recently primarily with hypersonic aircraft, but I know they often work with a lot

Which is such bullshit, since the key difference between gay people (who just want to live their lives with who they love) is that gay people are doing nothing to hurt anyone. Nazis on the other hand.... Also, the other thing that is bullshit about that argument is that I can think of so many things I would really not