
John Legend (Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert)

What’s going on here, Univision is selling off Gizmodo ughhh. What’s going to happen? Is this why 2 writers left Jezebel last week?

I am not surprised, San Bernardino is notorious for white trash.

Good thing it’s not her responsibility to know what Spacey is doing between takes and in his trailer or when he is not on set. 

It’s ok, I bought really really low, and I am hoping it goes up since they are supposed to get their funding and also they are selling hats and t-shirts lol


For fucks sake, my stock is down to 19 cents 19 fucking cents.

Now they should go after him for all the shit he violated.

Correct, they need a name for distribution and funding.

It’s going to be over 100 this weekend, I am sure we will have more bears in SoCal pools.  They are so cute.

The revolution was almost 40 years ago, wow I can’t believe it’s been so long, I am sure population has grown considerably, I do know though that Persians don’t have a lot of kids, 1-2 a family, so adding that to the original 300K-1M estimated it could be that high, no?

You are mistaken there are 2 million Iranians in LA, hence why the unofficial name is Tehrangeles.  The largest Persian population out side of Iran is here.

Really? is Jezebel falling apart ughh.  Best wishes.

Bye and good luck!

It’s a badge of honor at this point. No other fucking president in history has been this stupid.

She can deny it all she wants but this is what they do for Tom Cruise. 

What is wrong with him, seriously, it’s not about him, it’s about the country wtf. I hope he drops dead from a heart attack at one of his rallies and pisses his pants so that is the last thing people will remember about him. Fuck trump.

I don’t like croutons but this one sounds delish.

Assuming they are toasted croissants to make them crunchy.