
The Gawkerverse need to pin this failure on the President to meet the goal of declaring everything a “mess” and ‘fascist”. We give the Pres too much credit (OBL raid) and blame (Yemen hostages killed) for military ops.

Thank you for sharing your story, I won’t be so sexist as to fixate upon the adjective you use.

Anyone even remotely familiar with the guy knows he’s an actor. What kind of actor refuses to let his character wear a hat because he, himself, doesn’t support the team on the hat? How petty and unprofessional is that? How was that even an issue?

I mean, its just a nondescript bucket. Its not like it says “STOLEN GOLD LEAF” on the side.

Good. I wish RS was on the hook for way, way more.

Dude keep this crap to your Instagram

Much more effective gun laws than the US.

I was literally setting money I didn’t have on fire in my garage.

I plea the 5th, bruh.

This. There are not even hunting seasons or rules - they’re such a destructive menace, you can kill them however the hell you want.At night with night vision, explosives, machine guns - no one cares. For the city-dwellers - imagine if all the rats in your city grew to 300lbs with huge tusks (known as, and I’m not

It’s important to note that feral hogs are a real problem across the southern US, and anyone killing them off is doing a real service.

Agreed. Not to mention, if you motorcycle or legitimately attend HPDEs, there's no reason NOT to bring your own. Just stay humble and leave your Ayrton Senna replica suit at home.