Yeah, sorry, I really should use terminology that doesn't denigrate actual rectal areas by association.
Yeah, sorry, I really should use terminology that doesn't denigrate actual rectal areas by association.
Can you please give us your definition of "feminists" and "SJWs"?
At best they've confused being socially ostracized as an individual with being oppressed as a class (because they have absolutely no idea what being oppressed even means). No, dudes, you're not being oppressed, you're just assholes.
Grow the fuck up. Games. These are games. What the fuck is wrong with you?
1. Grow up. 2. how is going after sexism in games going after nerds in general. Are you saying all nerds are sexist? What a stupid comment. Grow up and then fuck off and get a life.
The whole hobby was a clubhouse for disaffected young white dudes,
I don't really know how to respond here. It's not "sexism". It's sexism. When people attack women with misogyny and threats, when being a woman is made the point of attack, it's sexism.
GamerGate: Because "We're trying to viciously bully a woman into committing suicide because she's a woman" is bad PR, so we're going with "We're trying to viciously bully a woman into committing suicide for important ethical reasons" instead!
I'm sorry, but that's a load of crap. You're acting as though the article tried to make out Allaway as impartial. It didn't. The article was describing the ways in which Allaway has taken steps to mitigate any biases in her work—it never attempted to claim that there were no biases.
Just shut up. It is SO tiring to hear this defense of GamerGate. GamerGate is not some heroic defense of a lifestyle and valiant charge against ethical issues in reporting. It's a bunch of boys scared by women with a voice. And they respond to being scared by spewing out some of the most vile misogynistic crap I have…
Yes, that is clearly the biggest issue here. It's not the death/rape threats, it's the fact that you saw a totally sweet YouTube video that TOTALLY puts Anita Sarkeesian in her place and no one else is watching it. So sad. How hard it must be to be you.
what exactly is the "feminist agenda"? To let women participate in the development process without being threatened with rape?
You don't HAVE "valid evidence", you moron. The only people being dishonest here are Gamerholes like you.
The problem is you never know who is mentally ill or not. Its a possibility that they would carry out the threat.
Except when they post your physical address online along with the death threats. Don't act like people should have thicker skins, that's more than fucked up enough for me to leave my home.
Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?
I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."
I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary…
So you're saying that there's an issue with the AI coming back from the dead, but you have no problems with your character respawning countless times? #StopOrcInequality #NotAllOrcs
"Many of them want more than more women on both sides of the video screen—they want the male video game culture to die."