You're the reason people are starting to disown the term "gamer". Congratulations on representing the laughingstock of the community.
You're a cancer on this industry and nobody would be sad to see you stop participating in it.
No they're not there as police but it's their storefront so it's their responsibility. A store is still responsible for what they store there and if they are selling a crappy product then it's their responsibility to clean up their store.
Great self-promotion piece, but no. You're massively oversimplifying, while also ignoring important factors like "it's Youtube" and "his audience is infinitely bigger".
Comments are a reflection of many things, when taken individually, including but absolutely not limited to the content itself.
There are a small amount of people who are engaging in rabid abuse of others via social media. Unless you are one of these rabid people, those articles are not aimed at you.
My brain literally cannot comprehend the people defending "free speech" when it encompasses people who violently (and sexually) threaten people like Anita Sarkeesian, or repost creep shots like Violentacrez.
Surprise: I am going to moderate the shit out of this discussion. Say something nice or don't say it at all.
Seem? Certain people? I got news for you. Saying, "maybe women should form their own studio and make their pink games for girls" doesn't seem sexist to certain people. It is sexist as an objective fact. You imply that women should be segregated into their own studio because they and what they want are not "main…
"This results in the oven effect only penetrating about 1/64th of an inch into the targeted person's skin, and for only a short period of time."
"Similar opposition was expressed when tasers were first introduced"
Give the police a less lethal weapon and they manage to kill someone with it.
I agree with your first point, but not with your second. If they have it the police will find a great many opportunities to use it. If this does not leave any long term evidence of its use count on it being used pretty much constantly.
Causing pain is easy enough, but giving law enforcement / prison guards / CIA "interrogators" control of a system that causes extreme pain, remotely, with no visible after effects, has pretty large, obvious advantages when it comes to abuse.
The problem is they are going to give them to the police, aka the wrong hands.
This pretty much sums up the problem with (some) cops. This guy is pants-shittingly terrified of just the presence of unarmed citizens. He's waiving his gun around like he was in the middle of the jungle and the rest of his platoon had just been killed by the VC and he was just waiting to be taken or to have his…
Yikes man. That guy should not be anywhere near that protest. He's scared shitless. His finger is trembling on that hair-trigger.
The cop was later asked to write an essay on exemplary policing for the Washington Post.
The problem is that the police are just as successful at starting riots as ending them.
This was already explained to you in another response - but FOR THE LAST TIME, your right of free speech is in relation to the GOVERNMENT. It does not protect you from any consequences you may suffer from anyone else.