
They removed everything we wanted from Black Flag, except ship combat. How could they have misunderstood the fanbase that much?

Are you under the impression that things don’t exist until they are ‘officially’ released and if so what does that “logic” extend to? Like do you roll your eyes when someone is expecting a child then are bewildered when they have one months later? If I cover my face do you forget I exist?


It isn’t. Being a bit older I was never an Avatar kid, so I only saw it last year. And I can say that this rendition lacks the soul, joy and expression which the original had - and whatever you thought of the writing in the original, this is much worse. After 2 episodes I had had my fill and then some of children

Nah, I hated it. I tried giving it a chance, but the constant switching between characters gave me nausea, and fighting enemies who were constantly shooting rockets at me from somewhere offscreen was an absolute chore.
Maybe I didn’t get into it enough to learn all the little tricks that made the game easier, but the

It’s also why the arts, especially hand-drawn animation need to be respected as they’re good expressions of easily recognized humanity. Those how cast off their humanity in favor of ego or profit don’t usually understand or relate to the arts.

With Avatar specifically, one of its joys is its constantly expressive faces that help give character beats and reactions even if they’re simply listening. It’s something perfectly natural in animation that live action rarely duplicates, and in its place are its flesh and blood actors in both the film and the show

I understand that it is all from the original, but I found the entirety of the Wall Market section to be completely stupid as mandatory content. I cannot figure out why Cloud did not just pull out his giant sword and cut his way through Cornetto’s dudes until he found Tifa. It makes no sense for the character they had

There are things an animator’s pen can do that digital effects simply can’t.

Played: 90 hours across the main story and nearly all side activities.

Its important to remember that back in the PSX era, multiple discs didn’t represent “plot” or content”, but rather storage for lots of FMV cutscenes. The final sections of the game needed a lot of space for video of it’s climactic scenes and the ending. In reality, without FMV, the entire game easily fits on one

I’ve seen a bunch of clips on social and woo boy, best I can say about it over the M. Night versions is at least there’s inflection in the dialogue and the characters look the part.

Just consume product. Don't use critical thinking. Demand immediate satisfaction. Buy product because of brand loyalty.

Oh god, they didn’t fix the audio mixing? I’m playing through FF7R right now and it drives me nuts. Not to mention battle music continuing once a battle is done, despite it not being mixed to work well with conversation.

Also, thank you for clearly stating how I feel about these minigames. The same things that come

Same. I didn’t grow up with the book or the Lynch movie, but I’m generally a fan of the director’s work. I left Dune cold. It sounds like fans of the material got what they wanted from it, but I didn’t like how it just ends. It very much felt like half a movie.

Part of the problem is that to some degree this reflects the book. But the book balances the slow burn of the first half with a lot of palace intrigue regarding Jessica possibly being a traitor (which is why Thufir and Gurney miss Dr Yueh being compromised, they are sure it is Jessica), and the dinner party scene

They sure lifted a lot of arabic and middle eastern culture for something that’s supposed to be a distant memory.

i’m pretty sure, at least in the initial release, it actually ENDED with the part one drop.

I felt the same way. Part one had enough runtime for to tell two complete stories but somehow felt like it only managed to tell one third of a story. The film and the galaxy it depicted look and feel so empty.

Love the books. Lynch & Sci Fi Channel movies are at least fun to watch. I’m also a fan of this director, Euro Sci Fi / comics, etc. That being stated - I found part one boring. Wanted to like it but it just didn’t really work for me.