
“We don’t matter.”
Well he’s not wrong.

Did she pay to do that to her face?! What happened?! Don’t give me that “I eat lots of grapefruit” bunk.

What likely doesn’t help is that they are generally catered to, have things done for them and are used to getting their way more often than not. They may be, therefore, less equipped, emotionally, when they must deal with the minutiae of life. Then, when it begins to pile up, and they have lost some of their fame

Seriously... enough! Fuck this guy. He’s already had 10 too many chances.

I’m not sure about having to explain it to Ice... feel like his wife IS a Sex Doll

Good, now can she kindly just fuck off.

She is where it all went wrong.

That is some lame-ass video mess.

I took this as, if no one pays them any attention, and they are ignored, by people and media, that neutralizes their attempt at amplification.

WRONG! Now delete his account.

Can we all, at least, agree that the sound guy running across the tunnel entrance deserved to be knocked on his ass?

So, seriously, what’s up with Amber? Everyone and every place she comes in contact with ends up generating some sort of dispute. Is she toxic?

Instead of a ‘slow and painful death,’ for him (which makes me wonder what kind of person you are), why not wish for education, empathy and enlightenment?


You’re an idiot.

Summer Jam Champion has been crowned. Infectious!

Oh, the double irony. Right you are! Apologies!

That’s cool, just pay your fucking taxes and we can agree to disagree. Carry on.

you all suck, your holiday sucks, your stupid and selfish declaration of independence sucks and your flag sucks.

What a fucking dumbass.