
I’m positive Musk wants voting to be abolished for everyone. He’s every corny Bond villain rolled into one.

I’m just glad something got thrown at a stage without anyone getting hurt for once. Lil Nas X is a treasure and must be protected at all costs.

The nerve of this lowlife playing the victim. What a POS!

Of course we know he has lied entirely about the reasoning, since what he did is not how you solve those things.

I’ll definitely make time to see it.

When I defended Heard during the trial it was amazing how many women came after me. How did so few people notice that there was a vicious, coordinated online smear campaign against her the entire time? 

So many haters on that movie, for reasons I’ve never understood. I absolutely love it. Davis and Jackson are both great, plus you get Brian Cox in one of his best crotchety old bastard roles. Craig Bierko is also one sexy psychopath.

These “incels” really really aren’t “involuntarily celibate” since everything they do to repel even a potential mate’s attraction is entirely voluntary. 

I think we all need to admit that Harry and Meghan are just boring. They seem nice enough, but at no point do they seem at all compelling enough to be stars. And I like them. I love their story. We just need to stop expecting more. They’re pretty and bland. And rich. Let’s just check in with them every 3 or 4 years

Good. I simultaneously wish these two a long, happy life independent of the British monarchy, and want them to shut the fuck up.

Maybe it’s because they just... aren’t all that interesting?

Many of us old enough to remember their break-up can’t stand Crudup to this day. I’m with Jez on this one. Kudos to Parker for making the best of it, but Crudup will always be trash imo.

it got to a place where the only way I could play this role was if it’s something completely different from who I am. And I can distance myself from that character. I wanted to make sure he looked nothing like me, acted nothing like me, just a totally different person.

I’m screaming at the damage control. This is the Don’t Worry Darling of 2023 with worse hair.

They’re always “just asking questions” but not actually asking the people who can (and would probably be very happy to) answer them.

About to type the same thing.

I can’t stand anti-vaxxers. They’re always “just asking questions” but not actually asking the people who can (and would probably be very happy to) answer them. During lockdown, I was reading articles about potential COVID vaccines, their development, the science, etc. The information is out there, which shows that

People are OK with asking questions like “Are we sure it’s safe to use?”, what people have a problem with is that folks like your husband refuse to ever accept an answer that says they were tested and checked and marked safe.  The problem is that there are so many out there like him who won’t believe any answer that

“I see both sides of the vaccine situation... “

There is no “both sides” of a debate here. There’s the science and then there’s ignorant people with an oversized microphone making a lot of noise about something they don’t understand and refuse to learn about.

I don’t even see the point of his spoiler campaign. The more people learn about him, the less they like him. Similar to DeSantis.