
Companies have experienced record profits every quarter for the last few years while everyone was working from home. People are happier, “work culture” is just bs, like managers actually care if co-workers are friends or not.  In fact they chastise you if you’re chatting to your co-workers.

Agree 100%. Well said. I’m not interested in anything Miller’s going to be in. 

I don’t care if Alfred Hitchcock himself rose from the grave to direct this and it was hailed as the greatest cinematic accomplishment of all of time and space: I am never going to see it. Ezra Miller is an abusive piece of shit, he’s been an abusive piece of shit for years, and no amount of elite-class PR campaigning

Going back to office is a dumb fucking idea to everyone except micro-managers and fragile-ego executives.

I’m a salaried employee, but were I to calculate my approximate hourly rate, and multiply that by the amount of time I’d waste commuting, that alone would be far more than $10 / day. Never mind the unproductive time in the office due to incompetent managers pestering me because they’re incapable of understanding the

I would donate $10 a day to not come back to the office.

This. Peta deserves to suck the proverbial dick. They’re toxic attention whores who care more about being in the news than they do about animals, and they have a terrible track record.

“If Pete had done his research, he would know that there’s no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog, that at least a quarter of dogs in shelters are purebreds, and that Petfinder has listings for homeless dogs of every breed under the sun, including the one he purchased.”

peta is a terrible organization that turns off most people to the idea of animal rights and shouldn’t be calling out individuals just buying a pet. bother farming  corporations and big box pet stores that still sell animals.

Yeah, literally everything I’ve read about this show makes it sound utterly awful. Also, I know very little about The Weeknd outside of this, but he sounds like an absolute chode.

Yeah, and honestly there’s been a fair bit of mumbling for a long time that SJP is a covert asshole, so none of this is shocking. If Kim Cattrall gets a boatload of money to record a few lines, good for her.

What I still can’t get over, and I know I should not be stunned by it, was reading the description of the first episode where the main female character pushes against an onset intimacy coordinator about showing her body because it is ‘limiting her control over her own body.’

I’m not really on team anyone... but I imagine it is hard to walk away from a franchise like this without burning things down.  I’m guessing they do not just take a simple “No, thanks.” as a response.  Even after she’s said everything she’s said, by the sounds of this cameo, they are still pestering her to be a part

Getting knocked out happens when your opponent has a lock and you refuse to tap. So yeah, I absolutely believe he passed out. 

His desperate need to run out and have this story “corrected” is much more embarrassing than the original story itself. I don’t know how much of Social Network was fact vs. fiction, but it feels like they must have nailed his desperate need for approval.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the more I hear about this movie, the more I want to see it. :-)

1) franchise movies all have identical plotlines and catchphrases. That’s what sells to devoted fans and makes money regardless of the release date.

I’m neither defending nor attacking Cruise here, but what he is doing seems so archaic. This isn’t the early 80s, where people went to few movies and the only way to know if one was any good was word-of-mouth or the local paper. Ditto for even being aware of the movie through advertising. And the theaters consequently

Ehh. I don’t think he would’ve come back if Black Adam hadn’t bombed and if he still had a good relationship with the DCEU. I can’t imagine he’d return if his Black Adam dreams weren’t dead. He seems to have lost a lot of goodwill after that whole fiasco, refusing to do a cameo in Shazam, demanding Henry Cavill