Stranger in the Alps

Great Lakes or Mississippi river.

He’s the personification of why the system is broken. EVERY point he ever makes when he’s arguing with himself is right. He’s indecisive because every potential course of action, at any point, is immoral in some way. He wants to make the right choice, but there never is one.

Are you using the original scoring, or the newer scoring? The original scoring was a mess - you scored city by city rather than farm by farm, which is counter to how every other category is scored.  The newer rule is much more simple.  You go farm by farm, which means you can remove farmers once their farm is scored,

Are you using the original scoring, or the newer scoring? The original scoring was a mess - you scored city by city

Even the Uruk Hai would be like, “Dude, what the fuck? Unacceptable!”

Or Hakchi.

Well, Finn and Campbell. It says something about the guy’s talent that it takes two other amazingly talented guys to replace him.

She didn’t need a dude. She needed a person who knows and deeply cares about her.  That person happened to be a dude, and one who’s awesome.

Kinda what happened in the New Testament, n’est pas?

They think they’re making Christianity better, but they’re just making Rock worse.

It’s kinda sexist to say women have no agency, though, is it not?

Phil Plait would be a great fit for Cosmos.

Semisonic doesn’t qualify as a one hit wonder - they also had minor hits in “F.N.T.” (featured prominently in “10 Things I Hate About You”) and “Chemistry”.

No security - THEY WERE ON A BREAK!!!!

What about when the brewery has pre-loaded growlers, as is common in the Twin Cities? Do they get a better seal (perhaps due to specialized equipment) than when they fill from the tap in front of you?

Jackie Brown syndrome?  Is that when a film is arguably the director’s best film despite (or perhaps because of) being an adaptation of someone else’s novel?

This article reminds me of right wingers bitching about football players disrespecting the flag while refusing to address the actual concerns that lead those players to take the actions they do.

If by “bang” you mean what it does to your digestive tract ...

I believe the correct pluralization is “Bobas Fett”.

I don’t get the love for Gardner. Cast members I find more compelling:

Also, the prices sucked. I’m happy to pay a bit more for quality, or to support a local business. Toys r Us was neither.