Stranger in the Alps

Beheaded an assassin with someone using the chain keeping you together is a bond that never dies.

Conversewise, as well.

>pink mist<

I knew Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was a friend mine. Donald Trump is no Julius Caesar.

Well, there was the whole Nerva/Trajan/Hadrian/Antoninus Pius/Marcus Aurelius stretch where they figured out that the Emperor ought to have qualifications that aren't of the "son of the emperor" variety.

"don't ride against traffic. Or walk against traffic."

I'm a Minnesotan who has twice voted for Franken. I don't remember that part of his campaign. I remember him doing a lot of good in the areas of mental health, criminal justice reform, and privacy rights, though.

"He represents a good deal of what 'rural America' really dislikes. A non-theistic guy from Manhattan who, about long as I've known of him, openly sees a good percent of the people as beneath him."

That has been my fallback throughout the daily pratfalls of the Trump administration.

"Get your facts straight."

Which episode? It doesn't show up on his IMDB, or in the Breaking Bad wiki. He's possibly mentioned ("It wasn't me! It was Ignacio!"), but that's all I can find of him in BB.

Nacho wasn't in Breaking Bad.

This is the most thoughtful post I have seen on the subject.

You need to look at the policies put in place under Sessions if you think it's no worse than under Obama.

I will say this: Maher's show is the only place you ever see someone call bullshit on a politician to their face on a regular basis. Maher may be an inflamed asshole, but he gives platform to a lot of people who otherwise would never get heard on crucial issues.

The bear said GOOD men.

What presidential task do you actually want him to do? I think we're better off with him doing as little presidenting as possible.

Trying to make a dovetail joint

Great solo, great song. I tried learning the solo, and gave up when I realized there was no way I could make the stretch on the fast repeating part. Mr. Friedman, I doff my cap to you.

That Orion solo - I always thought that was guitar until I heard the isolated bass track a couple years ago. Phenomenal playing.