la vie en hypnose

I have nothing of real substance to add to the conversation besides I say "Suck my clit" all the time to get out my anger.

Alcide. Alcide. Alcide. That man haunts my wet dreams. He sure knows how to fill out a plaid shirt and jeans.

@Phyllis Nefler: Are you me, but replace husband with younger sister?

Oh Yaya. Even though your attitude sort of came of as stank on ANTM, I still love you. Keep making us naturals proud.

@meritxell: an erotic life: Oh yeah! I love Peggy and Pete together. Their dynamic makes the show for me. Mat Weiner, if you're reading this, I wants loads of P&P action. Also, bring back Sal!

Sigh if only my parents (mom specifically) were this badass. Today this day my mom still hasn't accepted the fact that I've stopped relaxing.

All that I can is "Go Super Eagles" Naija all the way.

@ytuhermanotambien: Really? I've been living in LA all my life and I've never about this place. Hmm I'll have to go check it out.

@Odyssea: Dude are you me? Except five years older.

@BigEdie: You win the internet

I'm a self proclaimed ginger chaser and even I wouldn't mess around with Archie. Gross, home girl. Gross. Call me when Cheryl Blossom and Valerie action.

Get it Carla. Sigh Vincent K. why are you not in my bed?

Team Cake lost me with its omission of tres leche cake. I mean fruitcake but no tres leche?! What kind of fuckery is that?! From then on it was pie's contest to lose.

For natural haired Jezzies I say get thee to

Does any remember Suede magazine? It was freaking awesome! Before it went kaputsky, my sister and I were avid readers.

I highly suggest watching Scandalousbeauty and QueenofblendingMUA on youtube to learn the basics of makeup application. Mind you I still don't wear makeup (what can I say I'm lazy), but at least I know what I'm doing on the off chances I do want to put makeup on

Ugh... this really cements me in Team Pie. Pound Cake and Angel food cake both SUCK!

Dang. My tastebuds haz a confused. I always considered myself to ambivalent to slightly leaning toward team cake. But looking at cakes line ups and the omission of my beloved tres leche cake, its team pie all the way.