la vie en hypnose

Hey jezzies I have two questions I'm about to go vegetarian or flexitarian (occasionally having fish and poultry) i was wondering if anyone could suggest some blogs that has easy recipes that aren't so heavy on grains? My other question is how do I learn how to grind? My friend and i are going to a club and I've

Radical fashion you say? Where can I sign up for you newsletter?

@TopLevelExecutive: FOR REAL. I even remember a commenter here saying that RHOA and its ilk weren't as damaging to Black people as RHONJ was to Italians. Oh brother.

I never understood the logic behind "being an ambassador for the race." To me the whole notion of gussying up my behavior so whites don't get the wrong idea just reifies white hegemony and anti-blackness because it implies that white people are the arbiter of goodness and normalcy and blackness is deviant and needs

@Moretta: Iono but its definitely going on my facebook status.

Beautifully written. Something I most definitely employ if I ever get around to having a sex life.

Now playing

@PrisonBreakShaker: Meh. Even if she were being racist (which I wouldn't put past the bish), it'd still be a fail because black people like purple drank. Its pretty much encoded in our DNA afterall.

@Mrs. Beeton: No. You are the winner for this comment.

I'm not one to come to the defense of Chelsea Handler, but wow Nick you really are proving yourself to be the corny mofo everyone thinks you are. Resorting to the tired tropes of a bashing a woman's sexual history and her looks is about as tired as... well you are.

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: Before I read you're last sentence I was going to type "And that's a good thing?" Yay for Hemingway haters.

This reads like the diary of Charlie Brown's douchy hipster doppelganger.

This is such bullshit logic. Why is it that building bridges comes always comes at the expense of marginalized groups. Why can't straight cisgender white dudes be the but off the joke? I mean its for the noble cause of breaking tension after all, right Vince? Oh wait, it's not.

@quagmire: Me too. It really makes me ashamed of my chicken scratch handwriting.

God the more I learn about Madonna, the less I like her. Calling someone a Barbie doll? Really Madonna? Them's some big words from some who is a self proclaimed material girl.

@velma: Except when she's slut shaming other women. Not a good look Snooks.

@blyan-reloaded: This. And I'd like to add that rap and hip hop are not the same.