
This is what happens when the federal government gives a “monopoly exception” to sports leagues. Fuck that. Feds should get rid of that and quit subsidizing the owners. These motherfuckers have the highest of high ground—why wouldn’t they hold out for every little thing in collective bargaining?

honestly i was upset by the level of discourse in the comments on this Root site. I’d never been here before last week, and it is unfortunate that the black site with the black commenters has a lower level of discourse than even the old gawker sites


if obama didn’t care about conservative support in congress or the electorate, why didn’t he do single-payer?

lol dude you are a lost cause pretty soon you’re gonna have trouble finding interlocuters

dude you are being willfully obtuse

right, since politicians never lie to support their legislative agenda

yes i am white

sure, yeah, the real problem is we need more pork projects

naked appeal to authority (fallacy)

yes, and a massively angry conservative base screamed about him

still going to politifact after the election huh interesting choice

uh, no 98% of her fans are not altright and think this news is good for both. it’s good for older single people to find companionship.

“aint that some bullshit”

“woke” black people are incredibly bigoted

good lord you’re dumb

you’re right though this has nothing to do with boomers

this comment says so much more about you than anyone else

This man Nolan is constantly demonizing “free markets.” He loves to put the term in scare quotes like a dummy. Two questions for this writer or any progressive, then a thought:

Well, considering he’s 21, few have said anything but that he is all potential. So, your point is not very interesting.