
you know what… in other shows, yes, you are right. The punishment itself is a crime. However, this is Young Pope.
With Lenny's almost divine / miracle power, I have this strange belief that Kurtwell is to suffer there. yes, even better than prison.
and for sure, zero chance of sin..
Also, if you pay attention to the

much relieved after finding many are touched by this episode, or even cried.
I don't know why.
I still find this a little embarrassing to admit I cried too when watching Spencer said … time to die… Lenney's face and his crying.

It is not cheesy. It is strange to say that, not the same experience, but i think I understand what you mean. some moments, including the smell! the sheets emerged from autumn aftoon's sun, …

No one mentioned this. Will you be so happy after 40 years, the man and the woman show up who abandoned you like a piece of unwanted furniture.
Happy? Noway.. I will be curious to meet them again, but not this joyful. It would be awkward and it wont' make me feel as if I come home. The wound won't heal because they