
Yeah, feels like there should definitely be an easier way to go about that… Not only was he shuffling a handful of pills between two cartridges (in my lifetime thus far, I've found that that shaking sound of pills is conspicuously audible from basically across an entire room, let alone table seats right next to each

I think the shift of his character happening in like these past 2 episodes was too quick. In another show, it'd probably feel okay but relative to the slower pacing of BCS so far it feels off

I chuck*led when the shot revealed that the soy milk was all the way at the end of the aisle and shifted it into focus like it was some last boss encounter.

Well, maybe, I think there's a decent amount of clever ways they could make that just as dramatic, if not more so. Him summoning an orb of lava between the palm of his hands and pulling a sword out of it or something would be sufficiently cool (but then in turn wouldn't necessitate the situation where he falls into a

Entitled to your stance, but I still don't see how those are homophobic.

True, I was genuinely curious and wasn't being nitpicky.
Although if I were being nitpicky, I'd argue that since he was using external resources like the forge and whatnot, that should in turn necessitate the whole smithing process, which would strong imply more time passing than that. At that point, it'd probably be

Was there supposed to be an implied time-skip for the process of making that sword or did he do it within the span of an evening?

I am slightly of the same opinion. I can't deny that there's a lot of substance in each episode (I even like most of the characters), but something about them overall neither feels gratifying nor leaves me invested in next week's events. Was starting to think that it's because a slow burn type of mystery-drama isn't

-Oh, thank god that troll slaying ended within the episode instead of the whole rest of the season. Was so prepared to be disappointed if the season was going down another legal rabbit-hole like S3, just to turn 180 upon some easily penned development like the old guy having a heart attack or something. The original

As clear as you said, which still isn't very clear at all… No one knows what part of the episode you're trying to call out, and your statement is full of general critiques against the show as a whole which pretty much contradicts your first words of "I hated *this episode"

I thought the first season was adequately entertaining; but coincidentally enough, my thoughts while watching this trailer were, "Wow, I actually might end up dropping this not because it looks bad but because there's so much other good TV on nowadays"

I don't know if I would call that banter tbh

Something about the way they framed the shot of his conversation with Emmit led me to suspect he was going to receive a bullet to the head mid-sentence. Glad he didn't though, now it's time for him to accidental stumble into a situation where he can off Varga!

Re-watched the scene and he is indeed wearing the wolf head, but it hardly comes off as the first thing you'd notice (didn't even notice it at all upon first watch); it's smaller than his still exposed bare face and is-well, dark and camouflages into the night.

Do tell (us that story, show)!

Season 2 was leaps and bounds better. This is still adequately entertaining though

How did they not get a hold of syringe guy…? Just because he got out of the room, doesn't mean he cleared the whole building??

I agree with the latter, not sure which part of my original comment might have implied otherwise. I somewhat disagree that Nikki has been screwing up from the beginning. In a sense, yes, but they never depicted her screws-ups as having affected her personally that much and making her suffer. It seemed perfectly in

Yuri didn't even come close to Malvo's feat. You could watch Malvo's speech as a standalone scene and it'd still be riveting; Yuri's goes down an extra notch if you haven't been exposed to the season's recurring theme of truth and lies

2017 has definitely made me re-consider critique in the form of "that level of stupidity just isn't believable/realistic." Nowadays, I need to start implying that just because it's realistic, doesn't mean it's what we want to see or entertaining in any way whatsoever.