Obviously the Russians hacked his account to sow the seeds of discord among us. AND THEY STAY THERE! AND THEY STAY THERE!
Good luck stuffing a squatty potty into a stocking... lol. The rest of the ideas are pretty great though.
Good luck stuffing a squatty potty into a stocking... lol. The rest of the ideas are pretty great though.
This is such an amazing post. Thanks Shep.
This is such an amazing post. Thanks Shep.
The door lock button thing isn’t that complicated. An remote door closer and self locking door latch will do. If you want to be real fancy throw in a smart lock and an arduino kit and I could make it voice activated. The whole thing would cost less $100.
As an aside. Is anyone in the media not a sleazy? wtf.
#1 cause of fatalities: death
#1. People
Me too, just one. May be we are going to the same party :)
I don’t know anything about motorcycles. I don’t know anything about motorcycle clothes. I don’t know anything about safety.
“a French press involving absolutely no moving parts”
Well, ok, but if I get rid of my single serve coffee machine I’m going to need to find another physical manifestation for my crippling loneliness.
Your illustrator is too good for this place.
I liked Twitter better when everyone got 140 characters. That’s the whole point of Twitter: brevity, concision, a…
you could say she was just horsing around
A Florida woman was stopped and arrested for “driving under the influence on a horse” on Thursday, according to…
Hi* (I need to stop posting from my phone.)