
If the DMVs were efficient and lines and service weren’t so throttled already.. this would work!

There’s always those who get paid salary! Though they’re not always as motivated or take the time to do things the right way. (Like things that aren’t supposed to be rushed) because they get paid the same- it can be a very imbalanced spectrum.

Ouch! That’s a long time you plan on being stuck at that job.

My simple bottom line up front rule is: Driving fast = more space between you and car in front of you.

Gotta keep your moving parts lubed!

The last part in that article about cash flow worksheets is probably more important than the first two imo...

Haha just the a few weeks ago I saw some guys paying $11 a gallon for racing fuel at one of those rare 100 rating stops! I hate how gas prices show at 9/10ths of a gallon to trick you...

Awesome story to supplement that article about training like an Olympian!

Awesome post! Super Lifehackery-ness worthy! And breaking it down further into the bottom line up front of making things you don’t want to do jarder and the things you want to do easier is a great Go To Move to have!

You learn something new everyday! Someone commented how they didn’t like the background music in her videos but I’m like.. dude they’re awesome it sounds a porno!

I loved Melissa Maker ever since I first discovered her through another article here on LH! I wish she had more heavy duty cleaning videos though for the neglected things!

Drooool! I can’t wait to nosh on some of these!! I look forward to more of these Claire.

Damn about that flood!

But you can’t make out in the make out closet if there’s a dresser in the way! Wait.. maybe you can. .. I just thought Vertically! :] way to order the list!

No books? No homework? Damn my parents for making me go to a high school where I dont need that expensive fun stuff which I don’t learn anything with because I’m too busy playing with them! Seriously this kid is gotta be in college for espionage or something. Just needs a rope. I’m jelly.

That phrase about some people being able to change their own bad habits and some require professionals is sad but true. People are often creatures of habit so being logical doesn’t always stand a chance.

Merging is why we have traffic. People can’t make damn space. People aren’t damn alert when people are making space for them. If you aren’t gonna be paying attention while you’re driving.. “MOVE BITCH”

Is there a study on sleep and ass in chair workout? What kind of muscles are we building doing those things? Is there a reason why others do it better than others?? Curiousity compels me to google this.

Man... I remember when I started working full time and was like.. I wanna learn how credit cards and building credits worked. I told the rep at my bank: Everyone else at my house gets all these credit card offers except me! I wanna have good credit and get them in the mail too! - Years later... I go to my mailbox...