
You my friend are a cautious person! :] it’s true most people can’t do that. Most people are dumb and everyone is free and welcome to be dumb. Banks and lenders loooove it. Also when someone is buying a house they usually don’t pay for it with one person and one job. It usually takes some ABCs! Attitude, Budget, and

I believe in you!

Talk about a netflix and chill moment!

If you’re a cautious person you ought to have some emergency savings just for that case to cover 6 months to a year before you go into the the mortgage plan. :] and you’ll have the discipline to hold that money ONLY for emergencies.

I third this. Ask yourself.. if I go with the 15 year mortgage am I missing out on anything? Save yourself some money and don’t pay more just because lower interest. They’re gouging you just because you want that 30 year safety net. Have confidence in yourself to pay it off way sooner and agressively. The sooner you

Whoa! That’s one heck of a clusterfuck!

They’re saying her daughter isn’t missing out because the game has gotten exponentially worse since it started and poorly chose to use the word grateful in an attempt at sarcasm of the game’s success.

When you work 2 to 3 or more jobs it really does tend to make your mind think.. hey I have money! So you tend to what I like to call “stress spend” on things like fast food and paying for convenience or just shopping every time you have to avoid being home. That’s money out the window. That’s you letting your money

Totally a solution. Also people suck at merging. And I don’t just mean cars..

You could always try getting yourself a cage next to the outlet and put you and your phone in there with ya and leave the cat outside (Cardboard box not recomended as cage.)

I’d start with just putting crap together and doing it until it’s right :]

Musk is a long term investment. Investors complaining about not making a profit either don’t understand the company or don’t understand valuation.

I’m a little surprised how long you’re working there to get what you need or what out of them isn’t a factor. It would be for me whether it be financial goals or skillset and experience.. though if it were up to me I’d do it just because I’m not picky and will roll with the punches.. which is a problem of mine in it’s

It should be noted that before even thinking about trying to calculate your retirement your debts need to be in check first. If you’re spending is outta control and it stays that way you ARE doomed. Also that retirement is a long term goal. That’s exactly why you shouldn’t calculate it by your income because you’re

Then everyone in your group is a masochist and the DM must be a helluva sadist!! In that case you guys just need to force a mic on him like surprise motherfucker we got you Doritos and a mic!! If that doesnt work you guys can just all downgrade. All for one and one for all! Solidarity! - at least that’s what I would

Offers to pay for it?! Not just one person?? Dang I thought people wanted to enjoy games and play with friends. You people are too good for this individual. I’m sorry. It needs to be said.

That guy doing the exercises in the Illustration must be the boss because I don’t know anyone who can come to work dressed like that!

Damn. Cup holders have always been my #1 pet peeve in automobiles since I read that last article about getting rid of carpet from cars.. it’s like jalopnik is controlling my mind!

That last sentence blew me away. People hate things they don’t understand. So true. That and the educating yourself will make you less angry at anything in general.

Great reason to hit up the makeup store!