
Anyone else read LATE as LATTE?

I’m on board with Ramsey too. Debt is dumb and cash is King! The problem with most people is that they don’t plan how to stay out of debt when they work out their debt. Also most people get comfortable with their job and end up with an income problem.

That’s great! Especially the money aside for LEGOs! My favorite one is the “Fuck-Off Fund” aka emergencies. I think as long as you have no debt besides your mortage and a couple months of expenses, it’s ok to have a Fun Fund. Otherwise might want to consider emergency funds and have some discipline for saving it for

Jamaica Einstein has the right idea! In general it is safer and smarter to have your investments spread out and bonds are safer and more of a guarantee in shorter terms (i think they typically do 3-5-10 year loans) compared to stocks where it’ll fluctuate until you pull it out. The main idea is not to lose any money

As hilarious as it would be to have this and add comparison pictures of things the user values. . Like 100 bucks and a picture of 100 $1 burgers. (I was a starving college student as many others were and are and will be.) It doesn’t replace learning the fundamentals of money management.

Those are great questions! That last one really hit what a lot of people miss when they take the acdemic route and get the degree and become a “master” and then have no idea how to deal with a real life situation in their field or keep their boat afloat just financially.

This post made my day. Rock on Torchinsky.. rock on

Interesting about the 66 days average to build a habit.. Listerine has a 21 day challenge saying it is how long it takes to build a habit!

Maybe it was a free gift! The idea is cool though. Bag porn much welcomed! I want to see inside!

4 if you were to include the one garage-into-bedroom room for two people. I’m just glad I don’t live there. But I can feel the pain of having to go to the restroom or waiting for someone to finish showering or going on after someone else.

Holy shitzhu! That thinking outside the bathroom idea is genius! My step sister and brother’s house has two bathrooms and 12 people living there. 8 people have to share one bathroom! There is a kitchen sink thats always open to use and having a kit outside totally kills the wait besides needing to do business.. but

Oh wow! In that case, I’d have a serious conversation over the value of the clutter.. that might actually turn in to debt in the long run...

We designate each other our own areas so he can have his own mess area! lol have to be careful not to nag them to fix their obviously well adjusted lifestyle by provoking them with how nice it could be without all their crap all laid out and about. Having nice and easy to access containers help too. Maybe even selling

Fucking up is the best way to learn! If you are screwing something up every other week or so you’re probably mot learning and that’s ok too! Fucking up the same thing twice, now that gets you fired. I wish this were more applicable to driving for people who are timid, unfortunately it isn’t as forgiving but I’ll

Hits the nail on a lot of issues people struggle with all the time! Like not having a plan for after they meet their goal. The only thing I would add is to stay out of debt. It’s a long and continuous process and be thankful! Be thankful to the people who get you there.

I am very enamored by this name for emergency fund. C’est magnifique!

Having an emergency fund is a great baby step into working out bigger problems like debt! It builds confidence for the bigger tackles ahead. $1000 emergency fund is the first step in the https://www.daveramsey.com/baby-steps/! And I feel like a lot of guides break it down again and again to one of the seven steps.

Well said. It is as you say, extreme is a commonly misinterpreted word. As you describe it as a very quick and drastic change over time as I see it without factor of time by definition as simply a drastic change. And it really doesn’t work for everyone because is it easy to misunderstand being extreme and being smart

I respectfully disagree with you on “being extreme is never good.” People who already live so comfortably in their horrible habits and do weak baby steps to fix their habit it ends up never going away. These are the people who tend to amass a huge debt or make incredibly stupid financial decisions. Being comfortable

Fake it till you make it!