
Communication is key! If nobody realizes how much extra you put into getting it right and time into something they might not even want your time invested in... well you’re totally working for free and probably not gonna be recognized for it!

I’m with Dbeds15 on this one. While I agree that focusing and exceling at your strength puts you ahead of the game, that only really helps to get your foot in the door. You see when you only focus on what you’re good at, you’re not really growing OR you’re growing really slow and not really being challenged.

I wonder how many car crashes were blamed on cruise control in the past?

So true! Just starting one puts you ahead of so many without. Especially when you’re young, time is SO on your side. I think it’s equally important for people to realize that it’s not your emergency fund! To reach it’s maximum potential you don’t take it out early and get hit with penalties that hurt your growth!

Big fan of the wet and naked suggestion! That’s how they did it since the olden days! :] combo of brillant ideas to make you look like an AC genius!

Haha! Fair enough, probably a lot of private stuff crammed there too..

I would get hiccups every so often and nothing would work for me. I would go on for the whole day.. sometimes it’d come back the next day. I’d try to gargle salt, drink water fast, drink water while my neck is turned, hold my breath, but they would only work sometimes. Probably more placebos than anything.

Pictures please! That sounds awesome!

I like to think of networking as being like good friends. Like you wouldn’t want to let them down if they vouche for you and you want each other to succeed. Alan puts it best as “professional network” but it’s seriously just being friends!

Personally, I prefer the Violent Nomad which is quite similar! Except the goal is to do a mile under 7 minutes and you do 3 full circuits with very short 30 second breaks in between. Definitely couldn’t even do half 1 circuit the first time I tried. You can start with a lighter bag and increase weight as you move

This is a badass way of looking at your own resume! What a great insight of how much of a different your own presence really makes. Hope it motives others to think of wanting to do so while they work. Because really, what most employers want is someone who wants to do a good job lol

Not gonna lie.. it’s for us shorties little people! Stackables are a no go for the little ones lol plus you can make your kids do laundry.. if they’ll listen to you

So much of this article rings true in the many aspects of Yelp! Yelp is a great place to start when you’re looking for places or businesses to work with. I’ve only l wrote just one review myself but I’ve kept myself anonymous. It was for an auto mechanic I’ve been going to ever since because my first transaction was

Another thing to note is the money you lent is worth less by the time you get paid back!! So even if you are paid back in full, you technically got less than what you gave.

In my experience, looking at the things that facsinate you are much more motivating and keeps you going more than trying to clear a checklist. So as the ol’ saying goes: Follow your passion(s)! - would serve well! Eat breathe and sleep them! And that personal finance vs. The unrealisticness of trying to copy a

Another cool thing I notice driving on the freeway so much and even some big streets is the lane lines tend to break off into short lines if it is a exit only lane. Didn’t ever notice until I drove more on the freeway so it’s a good heads up to let you know if you need to move over.

The best advice I ever heard for mercs is to NEVER work for free. You should always be getting something out of what you do whether it be a friend or some knowledge. If you go in doing something without a reason you’re lost bound and you’re going to feel like you aren’t getting what you deserve sooner or later. Mind

Space cushion is such an invaluable advanced driving technique that should be utilize more often! I often chill the f*** out when I decide to just give some space and/or let the person driving on my tail learn to go around me. Though I’ve experienced trying to be courteous to find out the other person has no damn idea

As a rule of thumb, I compare total of monthly payments for the year versus of the next versus my annual maintenance costs of my current one. Offset by 1k-2k for non-yearly maintenance.

I’m still hopeful the whole point of the big ass continuous windshield is apart of a display system to show the dashboard! One can dream!