
Yesss! Not only budget but learn to put away any extra made on the side and invest in something like your 401k, if you’re not budgeting then you’re not not gonna have extra on the side! Your 401k isn’t taxed until you start taking money from it so that’s money you’re going to grow while you sleep! People who start

The whole big ass glass is the system! :O

Very interesting article!, that’s my slerp routine and I work a full time job (30-1hr drive), 10 hour part time and drive an extra 200 miles a week to visit and spend time with my significant other. Seasonally I work in addition to my regular week a 10-12 shift one day of the weekend for 3 months of the year. I must

This is so true! Not just for dates but for friends too! It’s bad enough they feel like they’re more important than all the time you spent to plan something out with them but it’s even worse when they don’t even put the effort or take the initiative to make it up to you. It’s ok if it happens once in awhile but if it

That’s not to say what what he says has no value. As with any anything you read or learn, you should take what’s useful and leave out what doesn’t pertain to you. Obviously, your path won’t always be like someone else’s.

Another good way to phrase these would be:

I’m confused.. so you’re saying being honest, thoughtful, and ambitious is pretty useless advice and then write two paragraphs about being honest, thoughtful, and ambitious? Ah, I see you just wanted better clarification than the video vaguely gives..

In my opinion, it sounds like you’re just looking for some stability financially and that’s ok! But to me it sounds like you at least know what kind of job you don’t want to do. But that kind of goes back to yourself applying to something you don’t want to do. People are much happier being utilized for a job they’re

It’s hard enough just getting past people saying how dangerous riding on a motorcycle is and how someone they knew died! It’s nice to be surrounded by people who love it and wouldn’t want to live any other way! :) if they don’t got anything good to say, you don’t have to make time for them!

So true! It’s because we get so comfortable and feel so loved reaching that point where everything just is. At that moment it’s hard for me to determine whether I or they aren’t putting in that small effort to adapt to the constant change in both of our lives!

Yeah! It’s so juvenile! They could just be saving water like in California for the drought! Or just lazy but nevertheless it’s their car! Though I wouldn’t mind if someone just decided to clean it rather than write that on the car for me.. :) Actions speak louder than words!

Wish I had this when I forgot to change my address on ebay and paypal after I moved.. it’s always the ones you rarely use.. and don’t realize you needed to change it until after everything is paid and shipped!

I’ve learned that if you wait for until all the conditions are perfect before you act, you’ll never act.