Lori L

Exactly, if Warren was running, I’d be in her camp...and hoping Bernie was the VP.


I dunno...who was it that passed Glass-Steagall? Who is it that wants it returned? Who was it that voted against its repeal?

The feeling that we have to put ourselves so starkly into divided camps is so weird. While I will 100% support Bernie Sanders as far as I can (I want and believe in the god damn revolution), if it comes to it, I will have no hesitation voting for Clinton. Yes, they have stark differences, but I don’t have to hate one

What I Find interesting is that Bernie could be the first jewish president and no one is saying anything about that.

If only Warren was running we wouldn’t have this false feminism bullshit.

sorry, but that is so not true. Bernie is a socialist on financial issues. There is a difference.

Some people just prefer Bernie.

If only Warren was running we wouldn’t have this false feminism bullshit.

The worst is being called “self-loathing” for not voting your sex/ethnicity/race/orientation/whatever.

Sure, but American men do tend to get less liberal with age. Or rather, society is getting more liberal, but men refuse to change their older ways in an attempt to preserve a status quo which benefits them. In this way, it’s not that anyone “gets more conservative”, but society advances and women are more willing to

So have I - I always was, but the more I see how people really need the government to step up when they find themselves vulnerable, be it illness, just age, or employment issues, the more liberal I become. I have an aunt (9 years my senior) who has the stones to say since people make their employment choices

As much as I’d like a women president just so that society could start getting over seeing a women in charge as a threat, I appreciate that we should elect the best option, not the only option.

I have a number of female friends who’ve expressed that they sense an uptick in this kind of activity in the past few weeks. We might need to come up with a clever name for generally-female Clinton supporters who dog other females for not supporting her on the basis of gender.

The dumbest line I‘ve heard so far is “vote for Hillary if you want to see a female president in your lifetime”

I feel you. I was for Obama in 08 and felt like HRC supporters didn’t appreciate as a woman I wasn’t all rah rah for her. Now this time around, I like Bernie, but am leaning more for Hillary (her time as Sec. of State made me see her in a new light) but I HATE this sexism from both candidates followers. I really,

*Rolls eyes*