
Don’t confuse what Hillary’s campaign actually did itself with what her legions of snarky internet commenting and tweeting supporters did. Most of the over top labeling of everything Bernie would say as sexist came from people on message boards like this and on Twitter etc. And it sometimes definitely was totally over

I absolutely agree with you completely on the general principle. I find some of the things the Clinton’s do frustratingly self-defeating and non-transparent and stupid and wish they would stop.

I agree that the Clinton Foundation taking donations form foreign governments represents a serious conflict of interest. I’m glad that they’ve announced they will stop accepting these types of donations.

By your own logic, you also can’t conclude that it was corrupt. The answer is that it’s unclear anything bad happened, so stop hyperventilating about it being a huge scandal until it is actually clear something bad happened.

Two separate issues here. They were stonewalled in requesting info and that’s wrong. That’s issue one.

This arms sales talking point is pretty ridiculous. Do you think that the Secretary of State personally and single-handedly makes major strategic decisions about issues like this by fiat? That’s not remotely how the national security policy-making process works. DoD, NSC, the President are involved in that decision.

At some point though, when there’s a lot of smoke — years and years and years worth of smoke, endlessly researched smoke, and endlessly investigated smoke — and you STILL haven’t found the fire yet, should you update your expectations that maybe the smoke is coming from something else — say, a smoke machine — and not

I know. How dastardly that America’s chief diplomat would meet with one of the rulers of a foreign country!! An ally no less, that hosts one of our major military bases. That makes it even worse. She should be doing her day job... err, meeting with rulers of foreign countries, like our allies

A very important point.

“use the foundation to employ their daughter and their entire coterie of lackeys and bootlickers.” But this is where you’re showing your true colors. You don’t actually know what the foundation does or is. The foundation isn’t some Clinton slushfund employing all their hangers on. Yes, it employs some of Clinton’s

I understand that there’s an appearance of conflict of interest. But we’re turning this into some new Watergate scandal when there hasn’t been a shred of evidence yet of any actual specific act of wrongdoing happening. Everyone needs to take a deep breath or we’re going to have Benghazi #2 — another situation in which

The point I was making is that many of these are people she already has relationships with, even prior to their donations. You’re dodging the issue by pointing to other cabinet members. That’s besides the point.

The AP has been roundly criticized for this claim that its “half of the people she met with.” That’s blatantly false. Its half of the non-governmental people she met with *whose names the AP could find*. She obviously met with many many many more than 165 people. She regularly did speaking events where she would meet

But many of these people were people she would have met with already, money or no money. The list of 85 people includes multiple Nobel Peace Prize winners, Ben Affleck and George Clooney (who unfortunately get lots of access in Washington for their activist activities already), etc.

There has been no concrete evidence of anything untoward actually happening so far. All the reporting has been about the appearance of scandal from implied implications of implications of implications. You’d think that if any media company had anything hard on them on this front it would be front page banner news. The