c'mon man

yes that is the Patriot fan denial. Doesn’t wash you have to look at the complete body of evidence, not just your team’s official denial. Bonds didn’t use steriods. He said he didn’t. The Rocket Clemons didn’t cheat he said so. Sosa didn’t use corked bats. A Rod said he didn’t cheat, so it must be true. Deny Deny

yep that’s what Kraft and the NFL would like you to beleive. I was only one time. It was just an indescretion, like any other indescretion that other teams may have done. Want to clear your team? Call for an independent investigation to clear you. If the Pats are mostly innocent of all the accusations, wouldn’t it be

Yep another one with a trowel that wants to smooth it over. Coach B. says I didn’t mean to. The Pats and their fans a being very childish.

Who has a worse uniform the Browns or the 49ers? Either competes with the Steelers retro.

hmmm...... receivers were put in quarteback helmuts. Why? Why did Coach B. vote against this change in 2007? Patriot fans need to put the shoe on the other foot.

Forty times they cheated by their own admission. You can whatch signals live just like baseball. You are not permitted to RECORD another teams signals. If you do and the Pats did this aplenty, you cheated period. Very nice of other teams to man up and own their losses . It does not deminish or validate cheatng. The