Thank you for pointing this out. I was disappointed that Jezebel didn’t mention that ad in their article. I shouldn’t be surprised by that, though.
Thank you for pointing this out. I was disappointed that Jezebel didn’t mention that ad in their article. I shouldn’t be surprised by that, though.
Usually I scoff at the notion of overzealous “PC culture” (blech, I don’t even like typing it) running out of control....
I think you really have to want it to be offended by this one.
That poor kid and his poor sisters, who were basically just told via major news outlets that they’re not good enough.
Whats wrong with needing a male heir? Men are better, its science!
Yeah these people should not be making more people.
Holy shit, this is too much fuckedupedness for one story. Needs a male heir? Replacing the person she killed driving drunk? Aaaahhhh!
Can black artists just please continue to lay the politics on thick? I would just love it if every major performance post Formation is just like ‘and you thouhght Beyoncé at the Super Bowl was intense?’.
How about: idiot, asshat, clownboy with serious issues who needs to go the fuck away? This dude needs professional help.
“Most American men are just unwilling to unpack their own racial bias when it comes to dating.”
I also deleted my OKCupid account after reading that article! Fuck OKCupid. :) In my experience it’s not that American men don’t find Black women attractive. Most American men are just unwilling to unpack their own racial bias when it comes to dating. I’ve had crushes that turned into friendships only to find out…
Europeans are really harsh with white Americans. Going to Germany during the Bush administration was my first experience of being other. We just weren’t people to them, and after a few weeks they got to know us and we became humanized. We (the all-white American group) commiserated with each other for the first few…
In all seriousness, this is why I have chosen to raise kids overseas. I’m still narrowing down exactly where me and Mr. Mo will relocate, but we’re both on board with home being almost anywhere but the US. I lived in Germany...home of the Nazis...for 6 years and NEVER was I discriminated against or made to feel less…
This. Their rhetoric has been babies are literally murdered and sold for parts by planned parenthood. They claim it as fact and have doctored and manipulated footage to try and convince people of it.
This guy is as mentally competent as any other cold-blooded killer. He was handed a combination of fear, hate, blame, and the means to turn it all into violence.
They’re pro-birth, not pro-life, that’s why.
I find that hard to believe. May I ask what you don’t like about it?