Fred Smith

Thank Christ. 

It’s like they took Patton Oswalt’s filibuster from Parks & Rec literally. 


It takes a while for it to get to the internet. All the video game characters from the first one are in the beginning until then. Once it goes to the internet, it’s pretty much all internet stuff. None of it is very entertaining. 

The Disney stuff is sadly the most entertaining part of the movie, which is altogether pointless. My 7-year old daughter was bored out of her mind and said, “The first one was better,” as we left the theater. 

He doesn’t want to see it because he knows it’s garbage. 

Blade Runner has nothing to say about the environment. That fellow is confusing the novel with the movie. 

Not really. Anakin becomes Vader as he is in the throes of his obsession to save Padme. The first thing he does once he’s fully kitted out as the Vader we know is inquire about Padme’s well-being. When he finds out that she’s dead, he’s inconsolable. That’s not someone who has gone over completely to the Dark Side,

Angie’s List?!

Harrison Ford is the answer to this question. That’s all there is to it. 

Viserion’s scream is more sophisticated than most of the crap you hear in monster movies, which have all bent the knee to the modified train/lion roar of Jurassic Park. Still, it’s just silly that all these massive beasts make this silly high-pitched screams all the time.

As one of its natives once said about Tatooine, “If there’s a bright center to the universe, you’re on the planet that it’s farthest from”. So, why are we still making movies about it?

Tatooine...what a shock.

Raw beets are delicious. 


Kubrick is just explaining what is in the book. 

The new movies are trying way too hard to do give us the “texture” that you think they “really, really” need. Unfortunately, it’s ersatz texture because it’s primary function is nostalgia. In every Disney Star Wars film (aside from Rogue One), there has been a Cantina scene. You can count on it like clockwork. The

How important are aerodynamics in space?

Whatever example you choose, the analogy holds. A copy is not the same thing as the original by definition.

Yes, there would be.