Fred Smith

It was necessary for no one.

Who said it was the same light saber?

There’ll be more.

He did in the EU. I really loved that story.

Lando was a punchline in this movie. He was turned into an effete idiot.

This cameo was thunderously stupid, like all of the callbacks in the movie. He’s got to turn on his double-bladed light saber because...why? Just for the Member Berries. So people can squee and say “Oooh, Darth Maul!!”

This season is boring. The pacing is leaden.

It’s not iconic.

Now that we’ve seen his Lando, can we all admit that it’s lame?

I come to io9 about twice a week nowadays, since they barely do anything anymore.

That’s what we’re doing here, bub. We’re discussing pre-release information about the film, because that’s all we have.

Did you go to the original films wanting anything aside from a fun movie? The onus is not on the creator to satisfy fans’ desires. It’s to create something.

There is a truly great Star Wars movie embedded in the prequels. There’s a supercut with bits from each that would make for a terrific movie.

My mind is not blown by the idea of seeing Han Solo win the Millennium Falcon. My mind is depressed by the idea. It just looks like high-end cosplay.

My favorite work by Ridley:

That movie needs no sequel.

Flaming Lucille has been the highlight of the season.

YouTube Kids will take a hard left turn before you know what’s happening! It’s amazing how quick it happens. Your 6-year old is watching some dopey toy video, and then all of the sudden some tweener Pewdiepie wannabe is cursing up a blue streak while they play some bullshit Disney game.

Can we all agree (I hope) that Thanos’ character design in the MCU is awful?

Trish is played by a very bad actress. It’s incredibly distracting, because she’s given a really heavy lift in this season.