Because she kept her plan a secret. If she’d told him what they were up to, Poe wouldn’t have come up with such a cockamamie plan.
Because she kept her plan a secret. If she’d told him what they were up to, Poe wouldn’t have come up with such a cockamamie plan.
She wasn’t. Her plan to keep her plan a secret backfired horrendously and led to the decimation of the Resistance.
This is a list of things that happened, not subversions (to use the less profane word everyone is throwing around) of the earlier films. The milking scene is a callback. It in no way tells Star Wars to “eat shit”.
I don’t think there’s anyone who doesn’t understand this. It’s just that it’s boring AF to get an After School Special about how to deal with failure instead of a good Star Wars movie.
Good take. You can see this crap coming from a mile away. It’s filler. When you’re watching at home, you can fast forward. In the theater, you just have to sit there and resist the urge to check your phone.
Meh. It was boring. It was badly plotted. It ended with a Coke commercial, for all intents and purposes.
This show is not good. It has some compelling moments, but the season devolves into a narrative cul-de-sac about a principal who likes to tickle feet and an edited transcript.
I admire your passion, but you’re wrong.
Which one didn’t you like?
This is a dumb tip.
“Sign of the Times” should be half as long. It’s a fine little song, but he turns it into “Hey Jude” by the end.
The worst part of TFA was all the chest heaving by Ridley and Boyega. Of course, that’s how this trailer starts.
Of course it is, which is what’s so sad about the fact that these are Paul Ryan’s actual positions.
They should recast these roles like they do in the comic books. Have someone else be the Undertaker. His stagecraft was some of their best stuff.
The show hit just about every possible angle on the fallout from spousal abuse that severe. If it had all been crammed into one 2-hour movie, it would’ve been cartoonishly evil. But over a half dozen episodes, they could touch on everything from his tactics of abuse, her galactic repertoire of rationalizations, their…
Her attacker looked like Skarsgård all season long. The more episodes we got with Jane never meeting him, the more I was convinced it was him.
Ooh, Ooh, I know!! It was Zoe Kravitz!!
One of the other characters commented on it being inappropriate.
This is a joke right? I laughed at it, but then I was like, “No wait, why were those stairs roped off all season?”