It’s interesting that you seem to hold female artists to a higher standard than male artists when it comes to “selling out”.
It’s interesting that you seem to hold female artists to a higher standard than male artists when it comes to “selling out”.
There are a couple of tour boat lines (American and Canadian) that run past that island so this is really for them. For the most part, the boating community up there is relatively respectful of the private islands scattered all over that region. The fact that the border patrol and the coast guard patrol that area…
Erik believes GM isn’t allowed to promote itself like other companies. It just needs to be out there apologizing for all of its decades of wrongs and nothing else.
The article correctly states that the Bolt battery was an LG defect - which the company conceded to when they paid GM almost $2 Billion towards the replacement costs.
I bet you yell at homeless people to stop being poor.
“I’ve certainly been guilty of reading an article or watching something and taking that as gospel.”
By this summer, GM will have the Hummer EV, Cadillac Lyriq, and the Brightdrop van on the road. Two of which have already started delivery to customers.
I wonder when it will be revealed that some ultra-conservative Billionaire/ dark money-funded conservative think tank is fully funding these sham convoys as a way to rile up conservatives ahead of the US midterms a-la the Tea Party movement.
Probable Tesla fanboy tweet: “But did you see Musk’s tweets from last week! Dude’s killin’ it!! Red pill babyyyy!””
It seems like Hyundai / Kia & somehow, GM, with the Trailblazer / Encore GX models really understand this segment better than everyone else. They’re dominating it now. Why Toyota and Honda are dragging their feet is beyond me. It would be such an easy win for them.
Thank a Union for your weekend, employee-based pension plan/ healthcare coverage, and safe working conditions. None of that really existed prior to strong worker unions.
“Agent Carter” should be included on the timeline. Of all the Marvel shows, it’s the only one that had an original character from the series (Edwin Jarvis) acknowledged by the MCU when he was given a cameo in “Endgame”.
Having only watched “Schindler’s List” for the first time only about a month ago, I’m struggling with where you see the film as a denial of the Holocaust. There is also no “feel good” moment in the film. I’m thinking maybe you need to watch it again.
I can understand why you would feel that way by not watching the film but I definitely recommend it especially at a time where nationalism & anti-semitism are becoming fashionable again in established liberal democracies.
Of course, a rag like the NY Post is giving her dad more airtime. Most of anti-Meghan stories in the press come from conservative media outlets in both the US and the UK. It’s easy to rile up their racist/ xenophobic readers with stories of she came in and ruined those poor poor royals.
When did the US become the world’s 2nd-largest economy?
GM wouldn’t have cut lose its entire European operations if it had thought it was worth the effort to keep pumping money into it.
He’s from Buffalo. His accent is the most Buffalonian accent that ever Buffaloed. I can’t tell if it’s a put-on or not but people definitely sound like that (especially in South Buffalo).
He’s from Buffalo. His accent is the most Buffalonian accent that ever Buffaloed. I can’t tell if it’s a put-on or not but people definitely sound like that (especially in South Buffalo).
Mazda is developing a RWD platform. I think Mazda only plans on going further upscale. Perhaps they only see a future in luxury since the younger demographic they always tended to cater to can no longer afford cars in general.