Kelly Zettili

I want to blame Mumble Rap for this overwhelming exhaustion of cooning that has been propagated in our media lately because I no answers to how so many damn fools have been let loose into our mainstream. The fact that coons fear no backlash for unleashing their ignorance is just straight up unacceptable. I wish death

And now, a Reading from the Book of Mighty Waters:

It’s funny her twitter is “REALStaceyDash.”

Stacey Dash is just another washed black person who thinks there is more money in throwing her people under the bus than there is doing literally anything else.

Girl, Fox news does not want you back and Comatosa ain’t about sharing the spotlight with this administration. Stahp. You are embarrassing yourself.

Dissing other blacks. Seriously, that’s her job whenever they have her on Fox News. They figure A) it gives the racists that watch their network someone to point to to prove they’re not racist because they like her and she’s black, so (insert bullshit here) and B) if another black person says Obama is horrible, it

No worries, I’ll say it for you.. She’s a coon, Homecoming Coon if you feeling fancy, she woke up this morning and had a bowl of coon flakes. Fuck her