
No, in PA. The whole left turn debacle was an attempt to save time and fuel.

Hell, 40º is nothing. Where I am we had guys in shorts in the 20's.

Or themselves, apparently. The guy I was with wore shorts in 40° weather

It was nothing more than a misguided experiment in urban areas. Never once was I directed to turn only left.


On a similar note, USPS is testing new postal trucks and will begin phasing out the Grumman LLV sometime soon-ish.

Someone is going to brick one of these trucks up in an old warehouse, and in 50 years Jay Leno III will buy it for absurd money because it’s the only one left in existence.

I’d imagine now that there’s press on it, some lawyer at UPS is trying to figure out exactly how this package car fell into public hands.

UPS maps all delivery routes specifically to avoid left turns.

I thought you could buy an untitled track car

It’s a 1990. Maine only titles vehicles 1995 and newer. Problem solved, no title needed. You can write a bill of sale on the back of a used napkin, and hand it over with a wad of cash to the nice ladies at town hall, and they will cheerfully register your race package car. The hardest part will be figuring out what

Well we might not be able to buy it, but we can BURN IT!!!

True fact and shipping trivia:  Delivery vehicles at UPS are universally referred to as “cars”, especially the traditional car shown above.  If you refer to it as a truck in front of UPS  employees, they’ll correct you.

Regardless of which side you’re on, you have to be impressed with Jeep’s lawyers in this matter.

The Roxor was just a test run.

I’d just like to chime in and say how much better Mahindra’s website is than most others.

I am thoroughly on Mahindra’s side as they have LEGALLY had the license to produce it since just after is this case simply just not that cut and dry?

Mahindra has a legal license to produce that design of vehicle for the last 70 years. Case closed...?

The people buying these are buying them because they look like classic Jeeps, otherwise why get this over any other side by side?