
Yup; not knowing where your damn Ferrari is is a huge red flag.

This. You don’t buy cars past say 15 years old for performance with a few glaring exceptions- you buy them for looks.

One call to the dealer and they’ll be pestering you at the start of the month forever more, more like. It is a scam to get you to call the dealer then the dealer takes your details -sells some of them on to telemarketers- and tries to sell you something else. And continues to try and sell you something else until you

Because a cheap Ferrari is the most expensive car you’ll ever own.

When I got this ad I thought that it was a total scam. Hell, I’m still not 100% convinced it isn’t. The dealer has just enough sketchiness in the ad—the crazy trucks mentioned, the weird ‘we don’t know where the car is!’ warning—to cool my jets about what’s obviously a relatively cheap initial price on a wildly

The real question is are they desperate for trades and willing to give me $5k more for mine than it is worth?

The most recent owner allowed this to happen and left it that way. On their Ferrari.

But I’m sure the expensive and complex bits that make the car move slower than a Camry have been, no they haven’t.

Those damn Silicon Valley investors, always disrupting...

What it really needs can be had for a lot less than $15k Yo.

Dealers motto per the ad: “Trucks, Trucks & MORE TRUCKS!”...and a worn old Ferrari. And BIG TRUCKS. Bigly suspicious but bigly tempting. USA USA USA

It’s near the bottom of the market for a 308, but it’s there for a reason. It’s priced about right for its year and condition. A two-valve will always be near the bottom of the market, and this one’s cosmetic shortcomings knock it down further.  It’s a nice “budget” way to get into one of the most iconic Ferraris.

I love how they still have the same mindless boilerplate that I’m sure appears in all their ads.

Trying to figure out the joke before seeing it was edited just left me feeling senile

Who is this car for?

See, this is bullshit... you edited your post, now it looks like I’m the one whose senile.

Just for fun this time I’ll go the traditional knee-jerk Jalop route by saying “I could by a dozen running Miatas and start a Shriner parade for $40k.

The only thing giving me pause is the visible dent/rust on the right rear bumper. I would be inclined to negotiate them down a couple thousand with it in mind that I should really strip the car down bare and reassemble/recondition everything. These things, from what I’ve seen, are super easy to take apart because

Totally depends on what it needs. Could be $15k or $30k. You can bet, at that price, we aren’t seeing the whole picture. 

Too cheap for the miles on it, too many questions about where it is, maintenance records, how the rear bumper cover got torn, why the seats look like a bag-lady’s purse.  CP

Wait, a kidney is only worth $40k now?Millennials ARE ruining everything! /s