
Can’t really judge demand just by those that are vocal on the internet. The minority is usually the loudest. And who knows if most of them are actually going to follow through buy buying the game when it’s out.

If that couple were black, they would be dead.

there are games about traffic control or the weather or exercise/fitness and other daily activities — why not school shootings?

I don’t play the fortnites.

And of course, Rosalina is a flat-earther despite living on a space station in orbit around the spherical planet she looks down upon daily.  

Wario is also a capitalist because he is involved in several get rich quick schemes.
Maybe that’s why he is such a good character, he shows it’s not all black and white, you can smell of garlic and still save the world by accident while persueing wealth in order to buy steaks for yourself.

“I told by Applecare that I could walk in the store and get the part!”

yeah you’re fucked, my dad was a casual galaga arcade fan and i played 2000 games of halo 2 online.

In closing, we only have about 3 weeks left

WB Exec: We really like this guy, but can you make him a little less colorful? You know, like “washed out brown justice?”

May they grab yellow ledges together forever

Thank you, I was wondering who the artist for this is. The art looked too good to just be used in a meme.

...And then Link snowboards by them on his shield, leaps off, picks off all the targets in slo-mo, lands back on the board and keeps on going....just for the shield to break halfway down the mountain, causing him to tumble to his death.

I don’t know why everyone is so upset, as this is pretty accurate to the books. Remember when we had to wait fourteen hours for Harry to regenerate enough energy to finish casting a spell against Voldemort?

This is the equivalent of Goku wearing thousand pound weights to challenge himself while fighting weaklings. Sonicfox is a Super Sayian.

I’ve met the guy at conventions. Had no freaking clue who he was (I don’t follow e-sports), and had a nice chat. He’s an awesome guy.

Nah. It’s all about the tail.

Say whatever you want about him, I just love that he’s just this playful about the situation.

Baseball is not a sport.