formal shorts! FORMAL SHORTS. The ultimate fashion oxymoron.
formal shorts! FORMAL SHORTS. The ultimate fashion oxymoron.
Did you see the close up on her face? That is the look of "Why did I wear this?" That is a Lost Bet dress.
Um, no. If NO ONE is allowed to decorate their caps, then you don't get to be all Special Snowflake and decorate your cap.
My little sister was born in 1984. If she was a boy, and the ultrasound said she was, she was to be named Elliot. Yes.. just a few years after E.T. my parents wanted to name their son, Elliot. And they liked to pronounce it all drawn out, like in E.T.
Wear scrunchies? Hell! They are one of my favorite sewing projects. Super easy and super cheap to make. Left over fabric scraps here I come!
Even better? I make smores with a reese cup. Try making them with Hershey's miniatures. Krackle Smores anyone?
I love those videos of cats scaring the shit outta bears. MY LAAWWWNN!!
I love getting into book series, watching characters grow from book to book. I liked the Sookie Stackhouse books, TORE through the Hunger Games, Hate read the Christine Feeham Dark series. Seriously, I think I sprained my eye rolling it. But I keep coming back for me. Read all the Anita Blake series, all the Mrs.…
I dogged on eBooks when I first heard about them, but DAMN if I don't love being able to carry 30 books around on my phone. I <3 you Kindle app. I was reading college level in 3rd grade and I read incredibly fast also. It's gotten to the point that I've run out of books that I want to read.. I've finished all the…
I had to log in just to star this.. I was on of the first people I knew on the net and love when boys tell me that I don't know the things I know. Asshole, PLEASE! *Sassy hand wave*
When a friend of mine told me she got engaged, I told her STRAIGHT up! "That's GREAT! But I won't be in your wedding. I will help wrangle flowers, I will stuff envelops. I will do anything but wear a dress" She was happy because she wanted her sisters as her bridesmaids and was upset that she might have to tell her…
Fountains are soo good! Older cats like I have tend to have trouble seeing the still water, especially in metal or clear plastic. The fountain keeps the water moving just enough for them to be able to see it.
I have 5 cats. My cat Cringer LOVES sweet stuff. I had to share a cupcake with him.. and he tries to lick the frosting off cinnamon buns and cookies. Has a big thing for the caramel dipping sauce for apples too.
So you too know the joy of waking up with a milk ring stuck to your butt. Or waking up with a soggy mousie toy in your outstretched hand and a Mrooow! call.
Clover Valley foods makes a decent Thin Mint, Samoa and Tagalog clone. I found them at my local Dollar General. $1.95 a box.
More more! I have been waiting forever! The Pixar short Boundin before the Incredibles was my favorite short.
Let's do it! Maybe? Please?
So I click the link and go to the subred.. and there's a post "Fuck Marry Kill" Really?
In the article it says people are pushing her to sue. That's what she's looking for - A Panty Payday.
Ya know.. I've been wondering how to tell which of my cats keeps thinking just outside of the box. Glitter. They love to chew on the tinsely things in their feather sticks. Think of how festive the cleaning of the cat box will be.