
Fun fact for you. Do you know where China gets most of their rare earth metals? Mined out of the earth in North Korea by free labor. Ever wonder why they protect NK when it seems like they should just step away, look no further. that was funny.

You cannot be f'n serious. Do people just try to get famous by being terrible?

And some people like to be defecated on. Just sayin'.

My wife is travelling for work and we used FaceTime to chat last night. The dogs were going nuts when they could hear her voice. So I showed them my iPad screen and they started to lick it like they do to her face when she gets home. It was pretty comical to say the least.

Wow....just wow. Pretty sure you decision to stay away from a Mac is a personal choice. Good for you.

Caption..."Hey, are you gonna eat that?"

Ohhh ignorance is bliss isn't it...

Which is why you should own a dog...once they decide to overthrow us, the dog will protect you. They are the soldiers in the coming war...except for the fact that all mine do is sleep. Lucky bastards.

And that why dogs are awesome and so much more.

Or if they are hosting the fake website itself for you to log into in the first place. They can hijack your session before you even get to [] and redirect you to [] and everything looks kosher to you as the https and website address is locally hosted on their machine, content and all

Intercepting private data (i.e., basically they were running airmon-ng) from someone's unsecured router seems plausibly illegal. But you mean to tell me that if I was to intercept the personal and private information of a neighbor off of one of their unsecured routers, that it's ok? Maybe you are ok with that, but I

Yes to both :(

Considering they dont have any money to replace that gun if it is lost or stolen, they probably figure the best method is to tether it to his clothes like mittens to a child.

Its a little nerve wracking when if you forget the lines your entire family is violently tortured and killed.

That would be the process whereby they go to the North Korean treasury and realize there is only .32 cents and 4 sticks of bubblegum to pay for this atrocity.

I laughed at this

The fact that I realized that I know what you are talking about first hand...made me sad. Maybe its one of the new reporting and disclosure methods related to IFRS?

It is the entire experience. Dont forget about the price of the tickets, the delays, layovers, lost and/or stolen luggage, rude flight attendants, rude passengers, etc. Add all that up and it turns into a pretty shitty experience.

Bolt bus is pretty sweet too.