
Maybe if you use this in conjunction with something like Cloak, then you might be a little bit safer.

Or was that they were feeding you dogs? I was never quite sure...

Very carefully?

While I am not sure what the above comment has to do with shipping logistics, but I believe they call it insurance. Not sure how your lack of ability to purchase said insurance is their fault.

"And if that means a slight upgrade in hardware, and a slightly bigger upgrade in software, and intentionally crippling the older versions of the product by making the software incompatible with it, even though the old hardware is perfectly capable of running that software, so be it."

Beacuse someone has to pay for all the coke and strippers for our politicians, and it sure as hell won't be them.

I'm curious about these interections you speak of....

Honestly, I would think a company would come up with something the likes of a sanboxed environment (i.e. an application you download from the App Store, that then allows you to run a host of Applications your company decides you should have access to and that you are authenticated by a unique key to a core application

For some people, it is just too difficult to take the time to read.

Or girls?

It is all about how the technology intersects with our lifestyles and how it satisfies our need. If everyone just gave up on the whole "mine is better than yours because I said so" mentality, we would all be better off. I see nothing wrong with Android and it is a great OS (yes I tried it), it is just not what I

Of course it is my personal preference. That is what all of this is about anyway. Anyone claiming one OS is better than the other is really just a bunch of biased bs. I just stated my opinion that iOS is simpler to use for me (and it is well known that most people find that it is a simpler phone to use).

And then there are people like me, who prefer the iPhone because I live in the world of code (i.e., work). All I want for my phone to do is allow me to contact the people I need and quickly search the web. It is nice it has some apps that further the abilities of the phone, but those are ancillary. If I really want to

I is hungry looking at that picture ;)

Companies do have an obligation to their workers and that company would be Foxconn. Furtehrmore, it seems, as usual, that Americans think that their values and cultures are what is right and no one else could be. Maybe the responsibility is up to China and the individuals living there. I agree that we can provide them wants you to scratch his belly.

So here is my thought, if you chose to buy the iPhone after the bumper case program ended, knowing full well the SUPPOSED issues the phone had, how the hell can you sue for your own negligence? Its like saying that I chose to do drugs knowing the full ramifications those drugs would have on my body, and then sued the

Is called taking a Romney...

Pure awesome. I just scared the crap out of my coworker by laughing hysterically.

The unfortunate fact is that the illogical individuals have way more voting power than the logical. While I would not consider myself rich by any means of the word, I am certainly living comfortably and appreciate the lifestyle my money affords me. I am also unlucky in that I am not one of those indivudals who gets to