
The way that I see it is this. Taxes go to pay for all the wonderful things citizens use (eg., roads, bridges, SS, Medicare, security, military, etc.) that is available for EVERYONE regardless of wealth. So if both a rich and poor person is able to use that infrastructure, then why should the rich be required to pay

It is possible if they tie it to the Cybersecurity Bill they are tring to pass, which is considered a top priority for nastional security. Those bills can stay secret to the public for national security reasons. Tying it to one of those bills would mean it will be passed long before the public can see what is in it.

The issue Apple was having with Motorola was due to Motorola revoking licenses to particular chip manufacturers, who at the time had valid licenses, well after Apple had not only designed those chips into products but had been manufacturing with them for some time. A judge has already ruled in Apple's favour on a

See, thats the thing...they are not the larger share of the production lines. Coinsdiering other manufacturers who use said Chinese labor produce far more devices than Apple does. Market share is tied to money, not amount of devices produced. If we want to look at who produces more devices than Apple, look at Samsung,

Ahhh...Hackers. A wonderful film.

I think he meant kill...with inflation nowadays, assassination isn't cheap!

What you did awesome.

I believe that every company should fend for themselves. I also firmly believe each and every company should have some better values instilled int their culture that looks down upon copying, rather than innovating.

Yes it does. The Geneva convention is supposed to provide a meager moral compass (I understand the ridiculousness of that statement when regarding war in general) for an army. As a country with a large military force, we are supposed to avoid kiling civilans of other countries we are at war with at all costs.

True. But the Geneva convention also states that no standing army is to kill civilians (regardless of whether we are at war with another standing army). While we may not have been at war directly with another military, our soldiers are barred from killing civilians at will.

Or you know...expecting them to follow the Geneva convention.

I will profess that I am an Apple fan, but I am in no ways a fan of this litigious society that thinks they can use lawyers to compete. I believe every single company needs to cut the shit and go back to the drawing boards and make better products. The products they produce are popular and they need to continue with

Instead of using the Internet connections in America, I just VPN through to China so I can get access to these sites...... ;)

While it is clear that many may not agree with you, I do. It is this imperialist attitude of America that thinks we can exert our control on the rest of the world. It is not our place to do so.


I have and would reccomend it. It was a superb movie.

The problem with "doing the right thing" is that not only will Apple have to do it, but all their suppliers will have to do it as well. The reason a lot of manufacturing goes overseas is because the labor is better (i.e. not just cheaper, but factory workers are better educated than most of the Americans who would do

You are not the only one. I fear the day that I have to move out of my own country because of the stupidity that is American politics.

Actually if you read the post below this one, a commenter began to describe what is known as PANDAS. I had never heard of that and since I was diagnosed almost 2 decades ago, this might be a newer finding. Whatever the case may be, its something that actually interests me (as I have a vested interest).

You should also add in the benefits and health care that they may have to pay those employees. In addition, since factory working in the US is predominantely union based, it would be consdierably more than minimum wage.